    hello are younthere

    +2  Views: 740 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers


    Hello, hello, hello, Is anybody in there? Smile if you can hear me....Sorry Pink Floyd Moment....Yep I'm here- Whaaaz UUUp?

    I suppose when you have blind faith, you do need to ask this on occasion. Seek within and find what you're looking for there. 

    Youns not here man.

    I am Me 'n There.  I thought you were You 'n There.  Two doors down is Us 'n There (Nice bunch).  Across the pond is We 'n There and over yonder is He 'n Her but I don't think they count.


    I knew a woman whose answering machine proclaimed that "Noneofus' was there and that "Oneofus" would call back...sounded like treaty funny I would leave messages for either of them to call me back...:D

    Funny. :D
    I loose my mind when I have to leave a message and I can't be serious when I record by answering machine message... I burst out laughing every time. We have left it like that now... no use in being serious.

    I was this Morning .When I looked in The "Mirror. "Hold on a "Sec, Will check the "Mirror again _____ OH that was me Sliding a long the "Hall floor "YES STILL HERE .

    I'm not here or there!

    Are you lonesome tonight? do you cry when I'm gone? I think that was Elvis problem!

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