    Clickity Click!

    My darling wife is 66 today.That's right.I married an older womam.(I'm only 64).

    She will probably have me executed for telling this to the rest of the world so if you never hear from me again you will understand why.

    +9  Views: 1709 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    Older women are better...


    16 Answers

    It's been nice knowing you Tom, please congratulate your wife for me all the way from Scotland.

    Maybe this will help alleviate the temper.



    SHHHH!! I'm still alive.

    I'll catch you on the other side Tommyh. It's been nice knowing you.


    I'm not dead yet CB.LOL

    Tell her, Happy 66th Birthday from Eggy. Does she read the questions?

    How's the rain up there? We've had minor flooding, but now it's cleared. Sydney and further South is copping it now. The rain was unbelievable, it was so heavy.


    The rain has cleared to a few isolated showers.You guys sure have copped it tho.Thanks for the birthday wishes Eggy.keep yourself high & dry.

    How about sending rain my way , it still feels like summer here.

    Tom there is nothing wrong with being your wife's toy boy, give her my best wishes.


    Mate! I was the toy boy 40 years ago.These days she looks younger than me!

    You if you like I can tell you the top ten best things to do while living in the doghouse. But first you have to wish her a happy Birthday from us all.

    Wishing your wife a wonderful birthday.Her age is safe with us, we will not tell a soul.

    Well be here when your chores are done, now get busy boy lot's of work as well as fun ..Wishing both you and the Mrs.B a fantastic day..!


    Sssshhhhhh...we won't tell anyone!


    Happy Birthday to your wife!

    Happy Birthday to your wife!!!!  Treat her like royalty today!  Make her feel young!!

    Okay, I'm in America and it's the 19th.  When is, was, will be your wife's 66th. birthday? Take her to a play and out to eat. Kiss her for me.  Happy Birthday, Mrs. Tom!


    19th.Yesterday here.Thanks Jools.

    64 years ... You have made it this far, I think she's keeping you around warts and all Tommy.  Wish your wife a wonderful Birthday from Fishie!

    should never kiss and tell! please wish her a happy birthday


    YThanks Shanks.Haha!

    Hug and kiss her two more times for me please

    Belated Birthday Wishes.  I'm expecting you gave her a day to remember fondly.  
    PLEASE save yourself and DON'T tell anyone how much she weighs!  Silly man. 


    Ha ha! Her weight is strictly classified informatiom these days.She's still beautiful tho.

    Happy Birthday, Mrs. Tom! :)


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