    Is there anyone in this forum who would like to see Obama re-elected and why do you believe that he should be?

    +1  Views: 695 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    How do you feel about this Jack???
    Jack Large

    Obama has been the worst President in my lifetime! He has not done ANY of the things he promised to do if elected.

    He has added over 150,000 more federal employees to the Federal payrolls.

    He blames Bush, for the housing market crash but it actually caused be the Democrat Congress, when they took control of Congress in 2006 and changed the laws governing "Fannie" and "Freddy, that allowed home purchasers to get a federal guaranteed loan for 120% of the homes value and then only pay interest on those loans. Then stopped Bush's efforts to return to the 80% loans.

    When the housing market crashed, the economic downturn was the result.

    Obama added $5,000,000,000,000 to the National Debt, in less than three years.

    Dumped Billions in to green companies, none of which prospered and the majority went bankrupt, leaving the taxpayers to pick up the tab.

    By Executive Order, to bypass Congress, he stooped or lowered gas and oil drilling on federal lands and in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Stopped the Keystone Pipeline, that would have brought Canadian oil to Texas to be refined. He is shutting down three oil refineries in south eastern Pennsylvania, added 330,000 new regulations over small businesses, took $350,000,000 out of Social Security in 2011 and is taking another $350,000,000 out of Social Security in 2012. Isn't that enough reasons to kick him out of office?

    5 Answers

    He's a likeable guy. Politically stupid though. We have a BIG problem if re-elected.

    Yes, Obama should be re-elected because he is the lesser of two evils.  He has not done a great job, but he hasn't done too bad either, given the mess he inherited from his predecessor.  I wish we had a better choice, but we don't so Obama is acceptable.

    ed shank

    Have you ever been bitten by a junkyard dog? Next time buy a fender from a yard with a smaller dog.
    Jack Large

    Interesting, observation. Can you tell us what you believe he has done, that has not made things worse or hurt the country?

    Our current POTUS is in my view the greater of the two evils.

    PS You are becoming the man with 1000 faces... :)

    Russ, our finacial crises was caused by the democrats and it is spiraling out of control.

    Our financial crises were caused by greedy businessmen in many markets and allowed to occur under the previous president's administration. The crisis is worldwide, and Obama has done nothing to improve it or harm it. While he has not been our economic savior, he has neither been it's demise. In case you don't recall, this financial crisis started long before Obama took office, and it is slowly getting better.
    Jack Large

    You are correct, the downturn did start while Bush was President, BUT not by anything he did.

    It began when the Democrats took over controll of the Congress in 2006.

    Most economist agree it was the excess of "Fanny" and "Freddy," that caused the downturn in the housing market, that harmed the economy.

    Bush tried to get those entities under control, but his efforts were branded as racist.

    See the Congressional Record for the truth, WBMS


    Actually, Jack I agree. We put too much credit and too much blame on our presidents for things way beyond their control. People think the president is able to do anything, but he can't without the help of Congress. I say let's get rid of Congress altogether because they are pretty worthless. Then the president could actually accomplish something. Congress should be blamed!

    I am with Jack Large.

    Jack, I agree with everything you posted. It is beyond me that people stll want to reelect Obama.I guess its easier  for them to close theire eyes and pretent that everything is just fine, rather than deal with reality.

    Yes.  He's better than the alternative.

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