    does fluoride toothpaste really bad for health?

    +1  Views: 575 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    This is an ongoning debate in my city at the moment. Some people are demanding they remove it from the water. I don't really know.

    Toothpaste containing fluoride started in about 1970. I started my career in dentistry at the end of the 1960's when it was not unusual to see 18 year olds who had to have all their teeth extracted. Nowadays, people with no decayed teeth and no fillings are not unusual. This must be due to fluoride because the diet is still too rich in sugar; see all the fat people and the rising number of diabetics.


    Yes, that's what the proponents, mainly dentists of course, are saying here. Guess you can't argue with that but then others are saying we are ingesting too much 'cos you can get the flouride in your toothpaste.

    Theire are some who say it is bad for us and some who say its not.You decide.Have agreat Day!!!!!!!


    thanks!!!!! you too!!!

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