    I'm a US citizen visiting in Tagum city, Philippines. I need to purchase an extended visa. Does anyone know where I need to go in Davoa city to aquire the Visa?

    0  Views: 855 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: help!

    1 Answer

    I have searched but cannot find any place in Davao. There is mention of authorized agencies which can assist you in applying for an extension, but I didn't find them either. I would suggest you go to one of the bigger malls in Davao and find a travel agency .... they may be able to help you. I do not believe there is one in Tagum unless it has been built since I was there in 2003. This link will direct you to the Bureau of Immigration's web site, and if you click on their "Contact Us" tab, you will get phone numbers to call. 

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