    A few months ago i was the subject of a whispering campaign.Damn me!!Same things happened again!

    Why do some people seem to get off on making up and spreading lies?Whats that all about?

    +4  Views: 1388 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    Gossip is def. a sin- sadly, it can hurt the reputation of people, hurt their relationships, etc. This has happened to me and I am sorry it is happening to you!!!!

    When people are talking about you, they are giving someone else a rest. You must be worth talking about.

    9 Answers

    They have jealousy in their hearts.  You must be doing far too many things better than them.  You can't help them... they have to help themselves.

    Huh? Is this something in your real life? Could it be jealous people?


    Its going on just down the road from me.But,looking on the bright side,someone else is being left alone.I just cant see what they hopeto gain

    They gain a false sense of being better than you. It will only last as long as it takes for them to fall off their pedestal and straight into the mud they create from spewing false words about another. They do not realize that what they put out comes back to them 10 fold.

    Don't lose sleep. In fact, be flattered that you have enough going for you for people to notice you........

    Is this at your work place? Where I work things like that will get the gossiper called out and possibly fired!

    Sorry to hear it, LM.

    Unless it's affecting your work, I'd just ignore it and them.

    They have to make someone that seems together, feel bad , because theire life is so miserable . They will feel better only when they see the reaction and pain it causes you.

    Thanks everyone!I wouldnt have  minded so much if there was any truth in it but its all total fabrication.I did lose two people who i thought were friends because of it but to be honest,if they actually believed that**** was true then im better off without them.Certainly im not going to lose sleep over it.Annoying though


    You are right about the fair weather friends. Yeah people can be a pain in the derriere sometimes but just come to aka and have a laugh with us. :)

    I have one true friend other than family members. I feel very blessed. People come and people go.
    I'm am sticking to, "You being seriously good at your job. Jealously is ugly.". Ugly, you are not. You shine.

    ignore these stupid people who must lead very boring lives!!...Hold your head up high...YOU ARE A FAR BIGGER PERSON THAN THESE IDIOTS!!!...If you don`t react..they`ll soon get bored!!...They might even get a life??!!:-¬...THEIR PROBLEMS SHOULDN`T BE YOURS!!!


    Love Millie xxx

    They are jealous of you.  You should see my neighbor.  They are truly a couple of a**holes (pardon my French!).

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