    will i die

    +1  Views: 1101 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    Eventually we all die.

    Worry about life not death.  Live your life.  Be the best you can be and enjoy your journey... and if you by chance think about it, plant a tree or two in your life time.  Trees are good for the planet.

    Why is this question in the Botany category?

    WE cant live for "Ever!! .Great to live to a right old age .You should live the life you have been "given Not thinking about "Death !!.

    Only two sure things in life and death is one of them.

    Yes, like everyone ever born.


    Not unless your alive.

    We all will, but I'm not planning on anything soon! Live now! It's fun!

    Sorry to say it but,yes,we all die.Its a fact of life

    I will die when God calls me home

    Afraid so, Badwolf81, we just don't know when.

    First of all.... who are we really and why are we here?
    Deepak Chopra tells us:
    "Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit.
    Of these, spirit is primary,
    for it connects us to the source of everything,
    the eternal field of consciousness."

    and that....

    "Each of us is here to discover our true Self...
    that essentially we are spiritual beings
    who have taken manifestation in physical form...
    that we're not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences
    that we're spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences. "...


    I love a few books by Deepak Chopra. He is a very spiritual man.

    Benjamin Franklin said, " Two things are certain - - - -death and taxes ''

    Cryogenics...they cut off your head and freeze it so they can reattach it in a hundred years or so to a suitable body. lol

    IT'S A SURE BET!!!

    Does the pope have lips............?


    hee hee! I have a really old sticker on my guitar case of Pope Jean-Paul and he has a huge stogie in his mouth and the caption says..." I like the Pope....The Pope smokes dope!" haha sharah!! xox LL 8D



    No thumbs up please!...forgot I answered this already!!So no TUs please!!!

    But it's so apropos! :)
    Your body will one day expire; but the importance that is YOU...will not.

    I like it.

    The only thing in life we can all be sure about is dying one day, hopefully not too soon

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