    Given today's medical technology, is it likely John Lennon would have survivied his assassination in 1980?

    He was shot four times in the back and shoulder in New York City, so he was treated fairly quickly.

    +1  Views: 531 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Too many variables-- What calabre bullets, what vital organs were hit, his general health at the time and a few more. Even today when a person gets shot, even one round to the heart, there's not much that can be done.  Ironically I know a guy from my home town in Ohio that was shot several times in the back  with a .32 automatic, the .32 is deadly but only if it hits the right spot, he was a very large man and 3 of the bullets didn't make it through his fat layer, 2 did but they missed vital organs.  He was in ICU for 3 days but was walking the streets a week later. when he was shot he turned around and nearly killed the guy that shot him with his bare hands, he was in worse shape.


    Maybe, I don't know the extent of his injuries....(what was torn up on the inside............)

    I don't know...this actually might have depended on how quickly first responders could get there...the injuries were really bad at close range too...I don't know that hi-tech could have saved him.

    Would very much depend on the extent of vital organ damage

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