    what is a tumbleweed made of?

    0  Views: 750 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    It's an actual plant that has roots close to the surface. It depends on the winds to uproot it so it can travel and drop it's seeds along the way. This is how the plant spreads and creates new plants. 


    Wow, tumbleweeds are smart!! I didn't know that, i just thought it gathered dry sticks and branches as it rolled along, kinda like a snowball. I didn't know they were alive! next time one goes by, I'll say hi!! :)

    thank you very much.. my reason for this question was while driving home with my 9yr old on a very windy day a tumbleweed the size of a vw bug tumbled and bounced across the highway. a lot of surprised drivers managed to avoid being pummled by this giant weed. We felt like we were on the indian jones ride with a giant boulder rolling after us. my daughter with eyes just as big said what the heck was that?? so now i will explain. thanks again. -HOLLY

    country bumpkin

    I made a Christmas tree from a tumbleweed one year.

    A tumbleweed is the above-ground part of a plant that, once mature and dry, disengages from the root and tumbles away in the wind. Usually, the tumbleweed is the entire plant apart from the roots, but in a few species it is a flower cluster. The tumbleweed habit is most common in steppe and desert climates. The tumbleweed is a diaspore, aiding in dispersal of propagules (seeds or spores). It does this by scattering the propagules either as it tumbles, or after it has come to rest in a wet location. In the latter case, the tumbleweed opens mechanically as it absorbs water; apart from its propagules, the tumbleweed is dead.

    Source: Wikipedia

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