    how do i uninstall mywebsearch

    0  Views: 695 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Depending on your system you will need to go to "My Computer", from there find the install/uninstall a program file. Open it this will give you a list of installed programs. Look through the list until you find the program you wish to uninstall and click it and verify you want to uninstall it. Since My web search is an internet based site it may open an internet survey page asking you why you want to uninstall. You have a choice of answering or just closing it out. The program will uninstall and tell you it is done and it will disappear from you program list. It may tell you that in order for it to completely uninstall you need to restart your computer. You can do it at this time or wait until you are through with what you are doing and then restart it. Make sure you never uninstall a program that you do not know what it is for because if you do it could delete something you need in order for your computer to run properly. The My WEB Search is a search engine/toolbar that can be safely deleted.


    Control panel > install/uninstall a program file

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