    I want to apoligize to Ed Shank for the question about him that I asked.

    I hope other users can forgive me too.

    +8  Views: 927 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    It is BIG of you to apologize, thank you for that from me. I like @Ed Shank..........

    Apologizing is not an easy thing for many people to do.  "I'm" and "sorry" have trouble getting together far too often.  Thank you for not being one of those people.

    Good for you shane!  Ed's a nice guy! Saying you are sorry is very nice! And it didn't hurt a bit, did it?

    You are well on the road to adulthood and maturity when you can admit to being wrong and asking someone to forgive you, Shane. Kudos. Ed is a really nice man, I'm sure he will accept your apology.

    you are brave to say sorry and anyone offended will forgive.

    "It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken"..Frank Perdu..


    That's hilarious, Daren. :)

    Thanks shane!

    Sometimes we say things before we think .WE are only Human I thank you It takes a "Man to admit it . Now lets get on with "Life !!

    TU from me too.

    It is not easy but it pays

    a big im sorry to you ed

    ed shank

    Forget it. Lets go have a few beers. (If your old enough).

    Shane has to buy the first round, Ed. ;)

    see ED`S a cool guy!!:-)...we have to give him a "NICE GUY ALERT"!!!:-))

    We know Ed will forgive you, shane; and we forgive you too. Sometimes we get off on the wrong foot.

    ed shank

    Shanej, Must have read a response a day that I had my grumpy old man face on.

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