    I am mad at me husband for talking about his ex for so long a 2 years. We got into a argue because I told him didnt want to hear no more He has been married 3 times and he says the other ones told him why the relationship didnt work this one didnt, she left him for another man and got herpes, I told him he probably did the same to her that he did to the others ones and me screaming yelling and always wanting to be right, We been fixing his house for over a year and I don'.t know how I feel abo

    0  Views: 528 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    If he was married three times before you married him, you might have considered that he was not a good risk as a husband.  However, since you chose to ignore that and go ahead anyway, you need to see a marriage counsellor.  I suspect that he will not be interested in doing that but YOU should go, regardless.  The counsellor will help you to see things from a different perspective.  Good luck.

    It is time for your husband to get his priorities in order, he is not showing you any respect by talking about past girlfriends.Give him an ultimatum,he is never to mention the other womans name again. If he is not 100% commited to you, then you will have to call it quits.

    Tell him your tired of hearing about his failures. (Not his wives) Explain that the number four will not be his lucky number. Tell him by the time your lawyer gets done with him, he won't have saliva in his mouth.

    You took a big chance in marrying a man three times a loser. You can't change him. Decide what you are willing to put up with.......

    I live in a home that we are refurbishing.   I have had many stressful days.  My husband was married twice before he married me.  We don't really talk about ex-wives or my ex-husband unless it pertains to a specific subject or we have a particular question about something.

    You need to establish safe, open lines of communication.  I would get out of the house for a while.  The two of you.  New sceanary.   Neutral ground and spend some time just talking. 

    So, He's stuck on why #3 left and not on making #4 happy??? Hmmmm....doesn't sound promising.  Take everyone's advice here to mull over.  It is not You it is Him.

    The added stress of home renovations can really magnify every situation but your primary stress is this man you chose and as others have said, seek guidance. You have to decide if life is better with or without him.

    I think this web site can be of help to ya.

    If this were me, I'd end it now!  Unless you can hang in long enough to get the house fixed and then grab it! No way should you listen to his EX crap! He sounds like a loser to me!

    You don't sound like you are very happy in your marriage with this broken record.  I don't blame you for not wanting to rehash previous marriages with him at all.
    Sounds like he has not put the past in the past and still has unresolved feelings and/or issues. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't make it 'tIL death you do part". 

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