    Should O'Bama's tax increase plan for the wealthy be approved by Congress? Will it be?

    Ooopsss!  I think I misspelled Obama.  Sorry.  He's not Irish.

    +2  Views: 1026 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    NO. The wealthy give you and many others jobs. Who gives a s*** if they make money. The few bucks they would generate is nothing. The wealthy put money in your pocket to feed junior.


    Agree. Entreprenuers take all the risks, often live on "nothing" for years and then some would suggest that "profit" is a dirty word! Odd thinking, isn't it?

    So they get 40 billion more in taxes, big deal that is nothing. 40 billion less in the economy who cares just will take a little longer to buy the next cell phone and I can wait.

    If they get 40 billion more in taxes what will they do, spend 80 billion.........

    Leave the business owners and job creators alone and cut spending, live within your budget!!!!

    One think i worry about is that 'sticking it' to the wealthy is that many of the wealthy are also business owners, their growth depends on their profits and greedy as they may be, they will maintain their lifestyle by downsizing and layoffs, ultimately moving their business out of the USA...And of course raising prices on their business goods so once again the commoners continue to pay. What this congress needs to do IMO is to cut spending, trim the fat-- make those derelicts standing on the corner pouting for free stuff get a job and contribute.


    Yeah, these business owners are sending all the work overseas and importing it back here unless it's made in China and they probably have some insiders in the Chinese government. You're full of it Vinny. Yeah, I call you by name. You don't have the courtesy to call me by name.

    Gary, you have a serious problem with me, Really don't care but you also have a serious problem with yourself- You are a typical snot nosed liberal that can not take an opposing view -- I did not call your name because I do not see where you are so important that I must include your name in my opinions. I would suggest that you grow up and learn to live with those that oppose your leftist views. And why would a big man such as yourself talk so big and not even capitalize his name. back off!!

    The majority in congress are repuplican. Its not going to happen

    Yes it should.  No it won't.  Conservative Congress men and women don't want their taxes increased.  They want the average US citizen to foot their bills.


    I agree. Most Congressmen are millionaires, and most are selfish so it will never pass.

    Your words EXACTLY came into my head as I read this question,..before I saw your answer. Very sad state of affairs for the American people. HOW has this gotten so very turned around? Our foundation is crumbling beneath us and noone is willing to stand up and say "THis is Wrong,..We HAVE to do the right thing by this country". WE can't foot anymore. We just can't AND shouldn't!!
    Headless Man

    No, Conservative Congress men and women don't want average US citizen to foot their bills, they want to cut spending......

    yes headless, and why don't the democrats see this simple solution?? Kill the wealthy and where will it come from then after they pull out and go to India/China, wherever?? Why don't they see the spending as the fault, not the wealthy supplying the jobs.. This is a dangerous mistake. I

    Unfortunatly tax increases are never going to end and they will never solve the problems that plague our nation. Give Obama the benifit of the doubt; he is trying what he thinks will work. But he is in over his head. Class warfare is not helpfull. I personaly believe that a flat tax accross the board is a good start. It may be too late to fix it at this point, but it's worth a try.

    ed shank

    Chaplin, Obama made an already bad economy even worse. Give him a chance? To do what? He is so out of touch.
    Chaplin Don

    ed shank, I agree with you, he is out of touch. I would only suggest that we not judge his motives., Obviously his results are unacceptable.

    Yes. No.


    well, maybe...

    The Republican Representatives have pledged to Grover Norquest not to vote for any Tax increases in any bill before the House. The effects of their oath to Grover Norquest is that they are representing Grover Norquest rather than the people who voted them into congress on any tax measure. They can vote for a decrease in taxes but not an increase on anyone.  For this, the cost of running for office was paid for by Grover Norquest. By contrast the Democrats have agreed not to accept corporation money or money with strings. In this way we are choosing the kind of government we want….one run by lobbyist with their special interests money or one run by voters. That is why Obama and a Democratic party congress will be voted for by me in November. Money talks and seeks every way it can to control the vote of Congress and who will be president and what policies will be before congress for it’s own benefit. The Banks did nothing to slow their receiving bankrupted property and stole the American dream from millions of people. That is who pays Grover Norquest.

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