    how can i find true love ?

    i want to known how can i fine true love

    +6  Views: 1070 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    True Love? It is inside you so you won't have far to look!!!""


    Nice :)

    You'll know it when it arrives. You don't go searching for true love, its not a grocery item.

    "For it's not into my ears you whispered, but into my heart.  It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."                                                                             ~ Judy Garland

    It will find you, when you are ready, in the meanwhile stop trying so hard, enjoy being you

    Love God, love yourself and love others and you will find true love by being yourself.


    Can I share this anwser instead of repeating it? My sentiments EXactLY!!

    Vinny is right. It is also like Karma.

    To attract a kind, loving person, you should be that kind of person.

    You shouldn't  dwell on it though. 

    Stop hunting for it. You could mistake a false lead for "true love". Love will find you for yourself.........


    couldn't agree more

    Come back in "Fifty years time and tell me "

    It happens when you are ready and when you are not thinking about it.


    Be true to yourself. 

    Be yourself as Bob/PK said.  And to add to that, go places where an activity is going on that you love or at least like.  Don't be too self conscious, talk to people.  Once you walk out your door forget about yourself focus on others and the activity at hand. Appreciate yourself, be open & truthful. Have fun.


    Tabber, Great suggetions. (I'm taking your advice) :D

    Seek true love and true love will find you :o

    You don't, it comes to you. Just being you and continue enjoy living your life

    You will  find true love, But every Philosopher knows that true love is only found in your losing  it.

    Accept the free gift! Jesus loves you!


    Hello Free gift, i have noticed you are new to the forum, just to let you know that we are a preaching free forum all religions are welcome here but try not to push your beliefs on others.

    I'm not preaching, I'm just spreading God's love!

    Hit me with some o' dat!

    Looks like you are a pioneering spirit; thanks for sharing the LOVE !

    when you find it you will no you true love is out there dont look for it it will find you

    A pub, a whorehouse, jail. Definitely not here.


    OK for a guy, ed shank. Where does a LADY look! All 4 of those answers are places to avoid for TL. :D
    ed shank

    Bob, you come across as a mellow, kind, understanding person. I would think you'd have a team of men chasing you down. Could it be your expectations are a bit too high? So what if he can't read or write. OK, he forgot to shave this month. Kidding of coarse. I said it before, there's someone for everyone out there. That guy will show up when you least expect it. As you know, love is something you have to cultivate, it's not going to bite you in the a**.

    No one has a mouth that big! lol
    Totally agree that love is cultivated. Maybe my "ground" isn't ready for planting those seeds. :D
    Yeah, my expectations are high. I deserve somebody really special. (really BOB?)
    ed shank

    Don't ever "settle" for anything of importance. I'll drink an inferior beer if their out of my favorite but that's where I draw the line. Bear in mind though, that being flexible is not necessarily "settling".

    "Excuse me. Bob and Ed. "You two an item ? I mean you a "Lady Ed a "Gentleman.Cosy talking going on ."Know what I mean !!
    ed shank

    She's a cool chick, I like cool chicks.

    believe me, you will know.



    I think, the more you look the harder it is to find. After a particularly hard break up, I decided to avoid the methods I'd used before, such as pubs, clubs and the Sealed Knot, to find a life partner, and I joined a dating agency. It felt more in control. But I agree that true love will find you. When I met my present husband ( now married for 15 years), on our first date, we both thought the other talked far too much, but he invited me out for my birthday, so faced with the prospect of a sad meal for one and a bottle of wine, or company, I chose the latter! Then rest, as they say, is history!


    A still-happy ending true story
    Good luck! I can't find anyone who can get past their bias of gay's and bi's to even find out that I am a very warm and loving person, who has a job, works and pays my bills, and lives a responsible life! I say again, GOOD LUCK!

    It will happen. Stop thinking about it !.When you do think about it "BANG" Wedding "Ring. Mother-in-law with her "Lashing big "Tongue !! "Crying little "BRATS !! "OH I suppose it has its good "Moments ! HMM  "Can I come back to you on "That !! ??

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