    Does Florida law now require welfare recipients to take drug tests?

    +1  Views: 734 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    By Michael Peltier

    TALLAHASSEE, Florida | Tue May 31, 2011 6:06pm EDT

    TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) - Florida will begin testing welfare recipients for illicit drug use under a new law signed by Governor Rick Scott on Tuesday.

    The measure makes Florida the only state to test all recipients of the federal program known as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, according a Washington-based public policy group that says other states have chosen less obtrusive ways to monitor drug use.

    The new law, a version of which was struck down by a federal court in Michigan in 2003, requires recipients to pay for the tests before qualifying for benefits and periodically after they receive them.

    The law was one of Scott's campaign promises. Supporters say it will help ensure that taxpayer money is used to get families on their feet and not to fuel drug habits at state expense.

    "While there are certainly legitimate needs for public assistance, it is unfair for Florida taxpayers to subsidize drug addiction," Scott said in a statement released after he signed the bill during a visit to Panama City.

    "This new law will encourage personal accountability and will help to prevent the misuse of tax dollars."

    Beginning July 1, recipients who test positive for drugs would be denied benefits for a year. A second failed test would result in a three-year ban.

    In two-parent households, both adults would be tested. Benefits to children could be awarded to a third-party recipient, who must also pass a drug screen.

    The law will not affect the federal food stamp program.

    Critics, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida and Florida Legal Services, said they will decide in coming weeks if they plan to file suit against the law on the grounds that blanket drug tests are unconstitutional.


    Remember that name (Gov. Rick Scott). This country needs more people like him.

    GREAT. That means no more welfare checks will need to be issued and the money can be used to build new schools, fix the infrastructure, etc; Kids won't have to watch mom and dad slamming dope at the dinner table, I love it.

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