    people are callinmg me fag boy and I'm not gay...why?

    I dress nice and because in gym they see even my underwear matches my shirt and pants color they now call me Shaneo the fag boy all over school.  I dont have anything against guys who are gay but it hurts to have me called fag boy and gay boy and even girls do it now I dont understand it cause Im str8

    +4  Views: 1611 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Where are your teachers????  Where is the principal????  Tell someone !!!!  These kids are bad news and it is more than ok to tell a teacher!

    They must be jealous of you, that's why they do it. Jealous of your clothes and looks. Don't let it get to you, report it. If that doesn't work, learn martial arts. No one will ever touch you and they'll keep their distance.

    Please don't let these bullies upset you.You should talk to your school's counselor about how you're feeling. He or she would probably have some good suggestions about how to deal with your situation.

    Shaneo these guys are lame-o !If that's all they got in life is to mark others as fallible and project their fears at others ...well I say...imagine supremely white light encompasses yourself and all whom you come in contact with every time you leave the house...everyone including the fools!Almost immediately they will abstain.Do not think ill of them...think and feel no way about them but that they are enveloped in pure white light.You will be surprised at how well this works...and if anyone tries to make you seem less than who you truly are,just place a hand over your heart and say to yourself "I reject any and all negativity"!!!Sounds crazy but it works like a charm!Peace.


    That is an interesting comment.

    Give them the proper name for you. 

    Metrosexual is a neologism derived from metropolitan and heterosexual coined in 1994 describing a man (especially one living in an urban, post-industrial, capitalist culture) who spends a lot of time and money on shopping for his appearance. 

    The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis — because that’s where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are.


    I remember that term in the late 90s and early 2000s and I have a cousin and some men friends who would answer to that discription. Back in the 80s, my then B F told me he prefers to be called " a Renasceans Man " ( sp) I don't have spell-check, except on email

    The are called bullies and they are very messed up individuals, Shaneo.

    They pick on people to try and make themselves feel better.

    You sound like a very nice, intelligent individual and while this is a difficult situation, don't stop believing in yourself. That is of the utmost importance.

    Please stay in touch with us! :)

    Shaneo, I have a solution to remedy your problem, but it would result in damaging your attire. So I will save my comments. If your matching underwear is more important than being labeled a "fag" which you claim you are not, learn to live with the label. You will be remembered as such for many years after school.

    If you can just have a big grin from ear to ear when they make these comments and don't let them see any hurt, they will stop, they only want to hurt you and if they can't you are the bigger man.

    Mostly these individuals are very insecure and unhappy. They will only feel better if they can put someone else down and enjoy the pain that it causes. You need to talk to your parents and the principal of this school and they need to talk to the parents of these offenders. I would look into going to another school if it continues.

    As you have realized, people are rude, insensitive, jealous, and hateful individuals when they want to be.  Many times they have a "pack" mentality.  
    I hope you avoid any labels for yourself or other people, outside of "human"  (you can put whatever adjective you want in front of that word).
    My son got glasses in 4th grade and knew he would be teased.  Sure enough, "4 eyes" at the first opportunity during class.  My son looked right at the girl and calmly pointed at the glasses.  "Four eyes ON', he said, then removed the glasses and said, "Four eyes OFF."  Then he pointed at her face.  "Ugly ON.....ugly....oh, well, that's too bad.  Now leave me alone."  He said this in the same loud whisper she had used to make fun of him.  NO ONE ever called him 4 eyes (or anything besides his name) ever again.  
    If I could think of a snappy comeback that would shut up these social miscreants, I would. Get to work on it, and let us know what you come up with.
    This is just an alternative option to the ones already posted; they are probably more acceptable, but I'd love for you to be able to shut them up.  

    They're stupid for calling you names even if you are gay, which you're not. I've been called such names also, and am totally straight, talk normally and am not effeminate in any way. Some neighbors called me gay because I lived at home 'til I was married, and had never seen me with a woman. I didn't bring any home until I got engaged (it was my fiancee), which reminds me of a joke. I always wanted a girl who looked like my mother, cooked liked my mother, talked liked my mother...Well,I finally found someone like my mother. My father couldn't stand her.

    ed shank

    Love it.

    Bullies, unless they change, never seem to evolve. Be yourself and be happy with yourself. Report bullies to your authorities at school. Bullying is illegal in Connecticut, perhaps it is where you live. Good Luck!

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