    My puppy is 9 months old and hates being left on his on and when he is left alone he wont stop barking and wakes me up at 3 in the morning .What will make him stop

    0  Views: 1058 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Why is he alone at night???  If you crate your puppy, the crate should be in your bedroom at night.  Puppies have little bellies and little bladders- Take him/her out to piddle and poop right before bed- and expect that 5-6 hours later you will need to take him/her out again.  Also, If he/she ends up in bed with you after 3 am....well, the puppy will keep fussing!  I'd rather be snuggled up next to my favorite person then in a crate too!!!  


    Did you see rosepetal's advice doc? 0.0

    Someone needs to teach rose the art of bonding.

    I agree.

    Sometimes undesirable behavier by your puppy are a normal response to a confusing enviroment. His important emotional needs need to be met. Puppies have great energy and they need to be exercised every day, or it can turn in destructive behavior{like chewin on furniture or rugs ) They dont like to be alone, especially at night and you schould put his bed next to your bed. (My puppy slept with me in the bed until he was 1 yr. old, then next to my bed) I never had a problem with him barking or whining. He was perfectly happy. I never crated him either and he never messed in the house. Yelling at at a barking dog is like barking back at him.What will help many times is shaking a can with small stones or rocks in it, or shaking a ring of keys or throwing them on the floor. the schock of this sound brakes theire concentration and they will stop. Once he is quit, reward him with a praise.

    Give him your "Socks to play with .Should be a sleep in no time.I tried it on the "Wife. It "worked !! stop her "Barking.

    Give him/her the pillow next to yours and have a good night’s rest.


    I am all for it.

    I crated my puppy, the crate is in our bedroom at night. The dog needs a place it can feel safe a crate gives it that. It will take some time to learn his habits as far as to letting it out to go to do his thing but a small puppy will need to go every couple hours for awhile.

    Every time he goes give it a treat and phrase it will get the idea quick.

    provide him with plenty of toys when you are not at home, he is probably lonely and bored, there are "kongs" you can fill with treats it takes them ages to get them out and keeps them amused for ages (if its hot you can put some meat in them and freeze before you give them to him) and as has been said ,leave something of yours for him to snooze on , puppy school is also an excellent investment in socializing your puppy with other dogs, or buy another one!


    he first had puppy preschool that did not work but he is always getting bones and his kong filled with dog treats and peanut butter

    I was told years ago when i had a German shep. pup to leave one of my T-shirts with my scent on a hanger close by his bedding, also to turn a radio on low close by., preferably a talk show host where he can hear human voices continually.

    All that said, I also want to advise you that it doesn't work.. :)

    Call Uncle Maddy.  He's the dog expert.  Type name in on search box.

    I would suggest just let him bark it out,dont pay attention to him,you need to tell him to shoosh each time in a firm voice do nut cuddle him,or he will keep doing it for will take a few weeks for him to understand,but thats how we all learn,so dont worry to much,REMEMBER NO ATTENTION.ONLY SHHOOOOSSHHHH.


    Please do not ever become a pet owner and if you are already, find your pets a better place to live. Then shoosh with your advice on how to raise a puppy. He's a dog, not a 2 year old child.

    Very bad advice rosepetal!!!!
    Headless Man

    rosepetal's advice can be good if the dog has been out and has no reason only wanting attention, some can't sleep with a pet in bed with then and the pet needs a crate so it knows when it's in the crate it's bedtime, then tell it SHHOOOOSSHHHH might work to teach the dog it's bedtime.

    he is only little and im not GETTIN RID OF HIM


    Great. Now since you've made the announcement that you will keep him, make him a part of the family. Do not section him off as just a pet that can be alone. Dogs are pack animals, they need to feel like they are part of the pack. Bring him into your bedroom to sleep. He will be quieter being near you.

    Get him a stuffed animal to sleep with also and alarm clock that winds up and then ticks can be soothing to a pup.  How long have you had the pup? 9 months old, he should be used to being alone a little bit.


    last night i let him sleep with my top so he is comforted

    get rid of him like i did my husbands yapping mutt


    He's a puppy. He does not feel secure. Make him feel secure, he stops yapping.

    I would have left with the puppy. You are lucky your husband is still around!

    Not good advice, carmaxable.

    my husband passed on 7 years ago.

    help me please


    We are trying, it might take time for him to feel save. You have to be his mom.

    give your puppy a piece of your clothing with your smell on it,put a radio.telly on so it thinks someones there all the  while nd at first only leave it for short spells,

    i am so glad you worked it out.i do have a little doggy,and i had to teach him as well,teaching him to shoosh was great,he understood,so now when his outside at night in the yard, if he barks to much,i only have to say shoooosh,and he listens and stops barking,And no his not a child,dogs are very smart and learn easily with the right commands.As they like to be led and taught.cheers to you and kind regards.donna

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