    were you ever popular in school

    0  Views: 565 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers


    Yes, by being friendly and outgoing.


    I asked because I happen to be in the center of atenntion usally
    Jack Large

    Me too, but in addition I am also tall dark and hansom, not to mention extremely wealthy, as well. ;-)
    ed shank

    Jack, your too modest.

    That's good, Sam. It must mean you listen to people and take an interest.

    Oh and a sense of humour is good too, as Jack Large is so aptly displaying. :)

    I was known by most, and I think liked by most. I was never taken for a fool or coward. The same applies till this day.

    I was never part of the "in crowd" but, everybody knew who I was...........

    I guess I was lucky.  Went to a huge High School and a Big University.  No real pressure to be popular....just hung out with my pals and tried to be nice to everyone.

    Yes and especially in college as well and even today at 86, why do you ask?.


    yes, but maybe not  for the reasons the teachers would have approved of, I was great at forging signatures, so many notes for day's off and getting out of sport were swapped for cigarettes,I had the best tan in the whole school, having spent much of my time on Bondi beach with my buddies rather than in the classroom, I sort of became an accidental legend when an experiment went wrong and I unintentionally burned down the science lab,

    ed shank

    Also spent much time on the beach instead of class. My mother asked me one day why I had a tan, I exclaimed that I sat in front of the window.

    LOL...I wish I had known you back then!

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