    Have any of you been surveyed as to you choice for President of the USA

    Seems I was asked five times previously and three time in the past week, now that my state primary is coming up.

    +2  Views: 471 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers


    These folks must watch me...because they either call when I am eating supper (which can be any time between 5-10pm) or watching a new episode of my favorite tv shows.  This annoys me!!!  I know, I know, My age and my sub-group make me prey.  I will tell them anything to get them off of the phone: " Sadly, my name, died a tragic death."  "I have decided not to vote."  "You just called.  "It is none of your business. "  " Are you watching _____ t.v. show? Well, turn it on!!!!!"  "Hi Sweetie, I love it when you talk politics..when are you coming home..moan".....the list goes on.  Oh, and when they poll me on controversial issues.....I play along, answering 1/2 of the Q's like an Ultra- Conservative and the other 1/2 like a Bleeding-heart liberal--this one drives them Bonkers!!!









    Jack Large

    I have fun with most robo-callers as well, but I will answer political surveys because I care deeply for this county that made it possible for a WWII veteran balk man like me, to become wealthy by my own hard work and initiative

    I have the ultimate put down for the folks selling "Stuff," however

    I say; I would love to talk to you, but I must hang up dial 911, I just shot my wife!" ;-)

    ROFL!!!!! That's a good one!!!!

    On a daily basis. I have answered many , but now I let the answering machine pick up and they never leave a message.

    I've stopped answering the phone if I don't know who is calling. They almost never leave a message so guess it wasn't important. Jack, I do admire your patriotic approach to this though.

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