    why are irish eggs brown instead of white?

    +1  Views: 974 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

     Because some of them are saturated in Whiskey. LOL

    You’ve probably noticed at the grocery store or breakfast table that the shells of some eggs are brown, while others are white. Why are there two different colors of eggs? Is there any other difference between them, aside from color?

    The answer is simple: aside from their color, brown and white eggs are exactly the same in every way, including taste and nutrition. The only reason there are two different colors of eggs is because some hens (usually dark-feathered ones) lay brown eggs, while others (usually white-feathered ones) lay white eggs!

    People sometimes think that brown eggs must be better than white ones because the brown eggs usually cost more. The only reason brown eggs are more expensive is that the hens who lay brown eggs tend to eat more food, and are more expensive for the farmer to raise.


    Magic?? WOW!!!!

    CB. Great anwer. Love you new avitar. You are very attractive.
    country bumpkin

    Thank you, Ann. This is so sweet of you.

    Some chickens lay different colored eggs We had some who had green eggs and rose colored eggs. Arracounas I think they are called , but no doubt the spelling is wrong!


    Araucana -correct spelling

    Bantam hens do the same. Pink, green, blue and yellow. Not sure if bantams are the same as arracounas. Their eggs made Easter eggs easy. Just boil them and they were already festive ;)

    I think Bantams are so adorable! When we had chickens there were always a few Banties! The hens are excellent mothers!



    Ha ha...and nothing like eggs poached in Baileys.

    Oh Man..please don't put eggs in my Bailey"s!!!

    Doo, eggs in Bailey's turns my stomach too but Bailey's on eggs is better than maple syrup. I think I'll have that for Sunday brunch.

    LOL!!!! No Silly I'm of Irish and Scottish bloodlines. I was going to mention the hen that used to lay gold eggs on "Mr. Ed"...but decided against it- LOL


    Hmmm....(Oh, never mind!)


    You were thinking something racist, weren't you?

    Always thought Irish eggs were green.

    Scientifically, the reason is the kind of pellets fed to most Irish chickens promotes the "discoloration" of their eggs.  The white-egg chickens get pellets that have been bleached of some of the nutrients.  Brown eggs are a bit healthier...more protein, albumen, and even a bit of calcium and fiber.   Please don't believe any of this. I made up every word of it. 

    They are reptile eggs, not chicken eggs.


    Have you ever been to a store to see the egg section? They are chicken eggs, sewer.

    Egg shell color is determined by the breed.  Some breeds have the capability of adding carotene into the shell as they make their shells, while other breeds cannot (white shell layers).  Still others, the easter-egg types make shells of a variety of colors besides browns, as they can put other pigments from their diet into the shells.  Inside all of these eggs are comprised the same.  Think of wild birds and the protective coloration of their shells, depending on their nesting habitats, the shell needs to blend in to deter predation. 

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