    Does Pepsi really use G proteins from aborted baby cells to add flavor?!!!!

    Senomyx, having a hard time buying this but anything is possible in this world.

    +1  Views: 980 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Senomyx is a company that works with major food and beverage corporations around the world, such as pepsi, gatorade, nestle,the list goes on. Senomyx actually does use  G proteins from aborted baby feti to produce new flavors and smells. It is however hard to find a source that actually proves the existence of these proteins and receptor cells in these products. it would not be something that is highly publicized for obvious reasons. they do admit even on their website to using human receptor cells to test the binding affinity of a flavor or smell. where do you get human receptor cells other than from dead humans? but people have a choice whether or not to donate their body to science....fetuses dont  

    Have you been chatting with the CEO of Coca-Cola?


    So that's why I bounce off of the walls!!! LOL

    Where DO these rumours get started?

    I remember years ago, the one where KFC was supposedly deep-frying rats and not chicken!


    And then it changed to cats! 0><0

    i`m having a hard time buying it to,g-proteins or guanine nucleotide-binding proteins(Ggust or gustducin) do have an effect on the taste receptors but for pepsi to use aborted cells.......the implications are perverse to say the least. i hope not..

    You have got false information somewhere. It is not true.

    "Soylent Green is made of people!”  Charlston Heston  in” Soylent Green"


    i remember that film.......not very good

    I dont drink pop but i find this one hard to believe,apart from the legal aspect theres obviously the moral one too.Its got to be an urban myth,surely?


    'Pop' :)

    So, that's what that slimy after taste is- huh.  LOL


    And they disguise it by adding a cup of sugar to each can! LOL!

    Ha, ha, I don't drink any soft drinks of any kind, yuk!

    Vinny,Im a coffee drinker!!!!

    On a tangent from this  question.Who remembers an Elvis Costello record"pills and soap"?Now what was that about?


    Ha Ha!
    I think he was ticked off when he wrote that song! It is really weird.

    YES!....and here is a family photo for you to enjoy with your Pepsi!!""""

    When my daughter was at school she was convinced that Macdonalds hamburgers were made from ground up worms. A boy in her class told her so it must be true. She has since learned that boys do not always tell the truth.

    Yawn a new urban legend how zzzzzzzzzzz""

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