    Drive, Dr.K Phatom mobility scooter,troubleshooting operation.No power to drive motor from command module, batteries fully charged and no apparrent electrical faults or damages.

    A Pride mobillity products, powered scooter: Drive, Dr.K Phantom, 3 wheeled medical mobility scooter; that has problems with operating the device, drive section, motor does not receive any power from the device's control command unit.  The device's controls, circuitry, wiring, and connections visually appear undamaged  and without any noticeable faults, and passed physical range of movement  test to switches when inspected, without any metering devices.  When fully powered the scooter at first begins by emitting a series of loud sounds, first nine rapid short high pitch tones followed immediately after by six to nine similar lower pitched tones.  Horn and light both function acceptably and everything seems to work when the scooter is switched on and is fully charged, however, there is not ever any attempted movement or motor indications of motor activity throughout all ranges of switching positioning, both in forward and reverse nor in any position of the speed control various ranges,power out  of the command module isot sent to any of the wires t the drive section and motor of the scooter.  I have not been able to get any specification, data or wiring diagrams documentation for the scooter in order to test and troubleshoot operation problems and can not properly diagnose origins of the causers of abnormal system functions.  The sum of what I have been able reason without any system specifications for this scooter is that no power is sent to the drive section from the control command module, located in floor section, that power is sent to control head in tiller upper switching control unit and all control switches from source the control command module regulated by control switches then returned via the same wiring harness pathway to the command module which when functioning correctly directs power to the  drive section and motor accordingly by regulated modification of the control switches variations from positioning determining and regulating the commands and directions of power sources' current voltage and polarity. The source of my problem might be command module alone or any of the regulating switches to it or everything or any combination, and I would  like to limit expenses of this repair.

    0  Views: 3348 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Make sure the scooter is set for battery drive and not free wheel. There will be a lever above or on the side of the battery housing. 

    Double check all you wiring connections. When you first start it up, if there is a problem it should come across by the number of times the lights will flash on the control module. I use to deliver and service these particular products, and had a whole maintenance library on my computer. Unfortunately, I changed computers after having quit contracting for them, and no longer have any of that information available. Wish I could be of more help!


    Are there any current responses or sources for maintenance library?

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