    My male lop rabbit lives in a cage with femle lop. they are both fixed. Just today while brushing the male, I noticed a small patch of raw skin about an inch above his butt. It is not noticeable unless you physically lift up the fur and it does not seem to bother him, but it does look raw. Any ideas?

    The female lop is the dominant rabbit. The are very friendly towards each other and she does not have any rash or missing fur.

    The area is about the size of a quarter and it's not bumpy, just raw looking and missing fur. He is about five years old and eats Timothy hay pellets and cubes and lots of other vegetables along with fresh water.

    Their litter box is changed every other day. He does not have "poopy but" Actually, the female did and I just finished brushing her and giving her a bath. She does not have any missing fur or act like anything is wrong.

    0  Views: 666 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Sounds like she might have bitten him. Even though he's fixed, he's still going to "try things", she's fixed also so will not be receptive to him. It's breeding season. Consider separating them during this time. Watch the wound to make sure it does not get infected or larger. 

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