    why most girls dont agree that they have lost their varginity

    +1  Views: 1246 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago
    disfunctional teen

    well if they are still in teen hood they dont want to be called whores

    16 Answers

    Women tend to play down their sexual experience but men exaggerate theirs. Women think they are more attractive if they appear innocent, but men think their chances are greater if they appear to be sexual predators. It is called biology.


    I don't know if it's called "biology", but you hit the nail on the head with your reasoning.

    too true.

    Perhaps because they haven't....

    It is really none of anyone's business. Stop asking questions like that. 

    If the lost it, would it then be in the lost & found box ?

    PERHAPS they have not all met you

    don't agree or don't admitt?

    Its personal and private and schould be none of your business.


    Yes..and he learned to lie by omission and interesting thought patterns.

    I was told it can grow back... :)  It all depends on how you look at things and whether you think like Bill Clinton.


    >>>Yes dear....if you eat enough cherries.....Aha!1

    LOL...Or as Clinton would say to a new intern "I am a virgin"...forgetting (as he often did/does to add "to you" at the end- meaning he had not has sex with her and therefore was a virgin to her.
    He had bizzare thinking- but I kinda got a kick out of it!

    LOLOLOL!!!...."Yes,but I didn't inhale" comes to mind!

    Clinton was a sex-addict and the hardest addiction to cure.

    Perhaps your appendage isn't big enough to rupture the Hymen thought of that


    You misspelled Hyena !LOL!:D

    Virginity has absolutely nothing to do with the presence or lack of the female hymen.

    Females are born with hymens of varied thickness. Many things can eradicate it before the wedding night. It is strange that virginity is usually thought of as something a female is supposed to "save" for a male, yet male virginity doesn't come up on the discussion radar quite so often.



    That's so true, Umbriel. Society does seem to expect a man to know his way around a boudoir, yet if a female were to show the same proclivity, she is labelled with some very perjorative terms. It seems the double-standard, for one of the human races most basic drives, is still alive and kicking.

    I think I'd have a hard job convincing anyone of that at my stage in life

    its a female thing

    what is varginity?


    It means the act of being from "Varginia".

    I'm falling off my chair, larfing!!

    YES...Some girls don`t want to share this info especially if too young,and maybe regret that they didn`t wait for the right a loving relatationship??...Word spreads fast so be careful who you tell at school!...And IF you`re still participating then please practice safe sex and beware of STI`S!!:-(...confide in an adult if that is appropriate to you?..PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND VALUE YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY! don`t want to tell them you1re pregnant...the gossip will certainly fly!!

    all the best Millie xx

    Oops! Not sure how my comment was posted twice but I've deleted this one.


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