    what leads to teen prostitution

    +1  Views: 630 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Sometimes dysfunctional family situatens.

    Some info here>>

    Sorry for the catch-all but I would say "drugs"............

    In America teen runaways.

    There are lots of reasons women/girls turn to prostitution , some are messed up with physcological problems, some are battling addictions,some need the money to put themselves through university, some are sick of living in  poverty,  and there are some that are forced into it by pimps.

    All the above as well as low self esteem,poverty and perhaps a glimps of life in the fast lane..

    Most of them have been sexually abused at home when they were children. Many times, there is drinking and drug use and fighting in their home. And for many kids, their mom is a prostitute. The kids leave home- - run away,, b/c they can't stand the fighting and abuse any more. Then, their pimp ,or somebody gets them into drug use to keep them enslaved. So , they need to sell their bodies to pay for their drugs and to keep their pimps happy. They need sssoooo much help.  

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