    Your favourite April Fool's Day Prank.

    As the instigator or as the victim.

    +5  Views: 1051 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    How about YOU, digger? I know you've got to have a couple good pranks you've pulled!

    I tend to stick with starting rumours about a mutual friend losing his/her job or splitting up with his/her spouse. I don't recall anyone that caught on until I eventually confessed...eventually.

    9 Answers

    Years ago my colleagues and I worked on a Unit in a hospital that had a board (think e.r.-so when you walked in from a new shift, a break, or needed to know what was going on in other rooms you could quickly see it).  We had 2 patients.  We collectively thought of "worse case senarios" for the next shift and put them on the board...when the next shift walked in the doctor's and nurses thought they had walked into a day that was certain to be HELL! None of them thought about the fact that it was April 1st!!!!


    By what you did for YOUR APJ, I know you will come up with something that will really zing my buddy! :D

    would love to have seen their faces

    Taking my aunty to see a spagety tree,

    Can't think of anything offhand, but my friend called me this afternoon quite distraught. He was backing his best friend's truck out of the garage when the door suddenly came down and damaged the truck. The door was bent badly, too.  After letting me gasp and carry on for a couple of minutes, he burst into laughter. April Fool!  (I believed garage door DOES open and close all by itself. )


    :) ...let us help you think of how to prank him Next year:)

    My Dad ,and I always had to rush my younger brother to hurry up get ready for work .He always got out of "Bed with a Blanket over his head !! still half asleep .So one "Night Dad said to me its 7.30am "Winking !! "OH right I replied young brother was sleeping on the arm chair blanket over shoulder. Dad "SHOUTED !! "Bloody "Late "Slept in .Dad and I rush out through the "Door "Brother followed Ran to the "Bus stop.Blanket still over head When he "Woke "UP"" people were laughing at him.Came in "Crying!!."Hate you!! he was just sixteen .Mum had "Tears running down her "Cheeks but "Laughing.



    Very Funny!

    Years ago when i was i kid i went to my bosses and sprinkled his bed room windows with a garden hose and nossel to make it look like it was raining so i could get out of work for the day, It worked for about a half hour till he looked out his bathroom window..


    not a prank, but I used to start the lawnmower and leave it on outside the bedroom window then go to work,it used to get my lazy (then) husband out of bed

    Oh i can relate totally..

    I like to ask people: "Why are you wearing two different shoes?"

    Short and sweet and ALWAYS gets a laugh after they look down.   ;-) 


    The first time some of my grandkids and I went to Florida It was April 1st. I looked out the motel window and announced I just saw an alligator walk across the parking lot! Everyone rushed to the window to see! My joke was not appreciated!

    Arriving at work early one morning and coincidentally arriving at the same time as the 2nd staff, a brand new staff had just finished her first ever night shift alone with 5 high challenge clients, she had previously expressed concern about this but I told her all be well and hopefully some would sleep, I rang her from the car park first and told her I was unable to come in, then the 2nd staff , called in a couple of seconds later saying the same.....the look on her face when we walked in was priceless.

    my ex some years ago convinced me metric time was on the way, throw away my cookbooks, clocks etc as there would only be 40 min in an hour, I told all my friends, as he knew I would, felt like a goose for months


    Priceless!! You should have heard the fuss and panic that ensued when our colleagues looked at the board...we let it go on for about 3 minutes- oh the faces!!!!!

    oooh, you naughty doo, bet it was a few minutes they'll remember

    I called my dad and told him I woke up early and found a raccoon in my kitchen eating the cats food. He stamered and told me to be careful that they will bite and to close up kitty door before he got any further I said wait there's more the raccoon stood up looked right at me and said April Fools! He said good one that he walked into that one and laughed.  Love playing jokes on my family they are all so serious.

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