    how can i handle two parrots that are not tame ?

    i have only just got the two parrots this week , so i put them in the new cage to settle down for a few days and get used to there now home. It was only today that i decided to try and take one out of the cage but as i did this the male got aggressive  ( as it was the male i wanted to handle ) and he decided to go for my fingers so i left him in the cage and they both went back to whistleing again i did try the female but i got the same thing as the male ..... how can i handle my two parrots with out loosing my fingers ? 

    +1  Views: 697 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    How old are they? They may be too old to train now and since they are mated they will probably never want to be with you. It takes a lot of work and it's best if the birds are not mated already before you set about trying to train them. Get a book on training birds and never hit or yell at them.  


    "Then why do you "YELL at me!!Training birds Indeed.

    Parrots are social creatures which is why they can be tamed.  If you keep them together the odds of training them are much less likely as they have each other and don't need your company. 

    The younger the bird the better your chances of training a parrot.

    You will need to earn their trust.



    So thats how you "trained your poor husband got him on his own!!

    There is always a method to my madness!

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