    does walking 4 miles a day 5 days a week firm up leg and buttocks muscles?

    0  Views: 712 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    probably would do the trick, unless your like me, I get thirsty and find a few ales too good to pass by, so much for the good intentions

    It definitely does and don't forget to isolate your muscles.  You can work all of your body parts and look good very quickly.  Try to do this first thing in the morning... it gives your metabolism a kick start.



    good answer.

    It really works. :)

    I would say it does, especially if part of it is uphill.

    Yes, it will............

    I'm sure I walk that amount everyday just doing things in the shop. I'm reasonably fit for an old SOB. Most of what I do requires a certain amount of upper body strength and I can still do ten pull-ups at any time.


    a fit old git then. sorry couldn't resist.
    ed shank

    Smart a**.

    Probably but I can say for certain after 4 weeks you will be 80 miles away.


    And if she/he is in Saskatchewan,would still be seen on the horizon!!LOL!

    Sounds like your in great shape. Keep up good work.

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