    Ultra sound of pelvis and abdomen

    If you got an ultra-sound of the pelvis and abdomen and the Dr's office called and said the Dr. wanted you to come in so he can go over it with you, would  you be scared ? Does this mean that it's the big C  ?   I'm going in to see him about this on Thurs, Mar 29, '12

    0  Views: 1176 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    It could mean anything or nothing.  I tend to think the sky is falling but then... poof!  It is something small.

    Good Luck and (((HUG)))

    Don't work yourself into a lather. It may just be a hernia or you may need a hysterectomy.

    Anxiety would be a normal reaction for most people, but at least you will have a "face to face" discussion with your doctor about it. Best of luck to you.

    No.... it means the doctor wants to go over it with you... Dont jump to conclusions... Face problems when they come dont create them in your mind.

    Hopefully your family history of cancer is low but if not you are getting an early start for getting help. However you do know that the doctor will not know if something cancerous just by an ultra sound alone.

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