    what barriers prevent native american indians graduating

    Native Americans have been known to be among the highest for non-graduating in school, can you give me the barriers?

    0  Views: 924 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    In the states studied by the authors of the reports:
    Overall graduation rates ranged from 54.1% to 79.2%. Graduation rates for American Indian/Alaska Native students ranged from 30.4% to 63.8%
    The gap in graduation rates between the overall state rates and the American Indian/Alaska Native rates was 17 percentage points or more, excluding Oklahoma and New Mexico.
    The poverty rate for American Indians and Alaska Natives is 26% compared to 12% of non-Natives.
    Lack of accurate data is due in part to a highly mobile population, a geographically dispersed student population, undercounting of the population, and distrust among this population regarding the use of data by the federal government.
    Student- and school-level factors for AI/AN students dropping out include:
    irrelevant and innapropriate curriculum, assessment, and tracking
    feeling unwanted or "pushed out" of school
    poor quality of student-teacher relationships
    difficulty with classes and with reading
    frustrations related to student being older than other students
    distance from school and lack of adequate transportation
    language barriers


    Very true annd accurate report.

    I thought so too Ann.It is a sad state of affairs for many Native American students,however they are finding some encouraging and constructive ways to entice these students back to the classroom by, for example,coupling the last 2 years of high school with the first 2 post-secondary years' criteria which is proving to have a positive outcome.So there is something good coming out of this!!!Peace.

    I have known maybe 50 Native Americans and never met one I didn’t like. Their behavior culturally is the same as a "defeated people”. Considering that the behavior pattern is so similar among all defeated people then it should be obvious why they seem to do so poorly. This same cultural impoverishment pattern is among Black Americans, Aboriginal people in Australia and elsewhere. We just can’t take a kicking and continue to work like nothing has happened…there is deep psychological damage that needs time to heal.   

    ed shank

    Robert, I can't speak about the Aborigine's, I know nothing about how they are treated. The American Indian is treated badly here from what I can tell. They live mostly on reservations and I believe this is not a good thing. Assimilation is the key to acceptance. As far as the blacks in America, I totally disagree with your assessment. I have the typical white man attitude. Slavery is over since 1865. I owe them nothing. I've never owned a slave. Only the individual can drag his a** out of the gutter, regardless of how or where they came from. Tell it to the Irish, Italians, Germans etc;

    ed…The attitudes of oppressed peoples come forward generationally through their heritage of family traditions and parental attitudes passed on to their children and their children's children. The same holds true for the oppressors also. The integration of beneficial attitudes and the rejection of harmful attitudes takes many generations to resolve beyond merely peaceful coexistence and inevetably results in through racial and cultural integration over thousands of years.

    I have a feeling the schools on the reservations do not provide all the benefits public and private schools afford their students.  Lack of resources on the school site is discouraging.  Possibly a lack of encouragement and support at home contributes to a hopeless feeling. How do I get ahead?  Can I get ahead? 

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