    Do you play a musical instrument for hobbie or profit?

    +2  Views: 1099 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: hobbies

    4 Answers

    Yes, I play guitar. I play on a regular basis for folks in nursing homes, no charge. I used to play in night clubs and bars for money back in the 70s with a group. I can highly recomend both.

    I don't play a musical instrument.  It is sad and true.  One of my grandfathers was a professional musician... When World War Two ended he pushed his piano out on the street and played his music for all to hear.  He was a strange and cool guy.  Very talented.

    The girls in my family sing!

    I played guitar,banjo,mandolin and flute,as well as sang for profit for nearly 20 years!I still play almost every day and write songs as well.I'll be playing for profit at a 5 week long festival this summer!!So I do play for both pleasure and profit and love when the two collide!!


    Where is the festival and what are the dates? Sounds like a good time for aka to get together if possible.

    It's a cool Sandcastle Fest in nearby Parksville B.C. on Vancouver Island...quite a jaunt for most I'd say...but it's a world class event with competitors from everywhere!Check it out baby!>>>

    I play the piano / keyboard

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