    Have you ever woken up..and you really weren't sure if something happened or you dreamed it?? What did you do?

    +8  Views: 1201 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    So easily explained but you'd never believe it.

    I might...the easier the better!

    11 Answers

    Does "wake up" mean you have to be asleep in the first place, or will living in a dream do?

    I,m not sure!

    Am I alone in thinking this?


    Well, when you wake up (out of sleep) and can't figure out if something really happened or you dreamed it....and you still can't figure it out after being fully awake for hours you start to feel like you might be losing it...or, like you said, you are living in a dream state.

    well i can see where you're coming from. sleeping is when you're mind at body arn't fuctoning, as in not in physical control of yourself. however when you're asleep your ming is still awake and going through your subconscious mind. so it's like being awake when your not. then thats when you could have a lucid dream.

    That happened to me the other morning, I just waited.............



    Then "What Happened ??

    He didn't cut my hair after all......



    It is unnerving! I still don't know if something happened or I dreamed it.


    This happen to me a very long time ago when I was still a punk ,one night had a dream that I was going for a leak and when I woke up in the middle of a puddle, this is not funny now ! I had actually piss on my mother's stereo.thinking that I was in the bathroom. " this should be (believe it or not)


    ...happened to one of my brothers...he was mortified!!!

    My ex-husband does this when he drinks way too much... totally mortifying.

    Yes it use to happen to me when i quit smoking, i'd wake up convinced i was smoking again until the fog cleared then i realized wow what a nightmare..

    I've had that happen, and I just stopped and started sorting the facts out. I've also woke up talking back to a voice on the television that I fell asleep watching. I found it strange at first, and then had to laugh at myself for doing it. I've always had suspicions that the mind processes what it hears during sleep...and to a certain degree this proves it to me.

    This is one of the oddest " feelings" ever.I have experienced this before when I was a child.I dreamt that I had harmed my brother severely and had been banished to the basement(which is where I slept) while they decided my fate.This was so real and frightening that when I woke,I felt sure it had all occurred and ended up staying in that basement all day into evening when mother came down to ask if I was unwell or what?I was absolutely shaken as I inquired my brothers' whereabouts and when I realized I'd been dreaming I collapsed with relief!!She thought I was out of my mind.Still am thank heavens!!!

    Yes. I was dreaming that I was so handsome. Fantastic body etc. I woke up and looked at the mirror and then I knew I had been dreaming. lol

    I once dreamt id been attacked by someone i know.When i woke up it was so vivid i thought it was real.Silly part of it is is that person would never have thought of doing anything like that.Frightening at the time though

    Happened to me once. After checking the material object of my dream I knew it was a dream only.


    so you know then how to control a drean when you realize that it is a dream? can you do that with all the dreams you have or just the lucid dreams?

    I am a "dreamer since I was Born !! When young always about my "Cowboy heroes Roy Rogers Hop along Cassidy. When I became a "Teenager "Phew thats when nightmares !! started My dreams turned to Girls "Dream-et I was A "Pop star Girls tossing there Undies This big pair of Knickers Flew straight at me "FULL!! I started to Choke splluter !! "Shouting " Help !! Mum and big Sister ran into my room .I was standing with my underpants "stuck in my mouth !! Bed sheets Shredded .. MIND you I am a DREAMER !!        

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