11 Answers
Does "wake up" mean you have to be asleep in the first place, or will living in a dream do?
I,m not sure!
Am I alone in thinking this?
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
This happen to me a very long time ago when I was still a punk ,one night had a dream that I was going for a leak and when I woke up in the middle of a puddle, this is not funny now ! I had actually piss on my mother's stereo.thinking that I was in the bathroom. " this should be (believe it or not)
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I've had that happen, and I just stopped and started sorting the facts out. I've also woke up talking back to a voice on the television that I fell asleep watching. I found it strange at first, and then had to laugh at myself for doing it. I've always had suspicions that the mind processes what it hears during sleep...and to a certain degree this proves it to me.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
This is one of the oddest " feelings" ever.I have experienced this before when I was a child.I dreamt that I had harmed my brother severely and had been banished to the basement(which is where I slept) while they decided my fate.This was so real and frightening that when I woke,I felt sure it had all occurred and ended up staying in that basement all day into evening when mother came down to ask if I was unwell or what?I was absolutely shaken as I inquired my brothers' whereabouts and when I realized I'd been dreaming I collapsed with relief!!She thought I was out of my mind.Still am thank heavens!!!
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Happened to me once. After checking the material object of my dream I knew it was a dream only.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I am a "dreamer since I was Born !! When young always about my "Cowboy heroes Roy Rogers Hop along Cassidy. When I became a "Teenager "Phew thats when nightmares !! started My dreams turned to Girls "Dream-et I was A "Pop star Girls tossing there Undies This big pair of Knickers Flew straight at me "FULL!! I started to Choke splluter !! "Shouting " Help !! Mum and big Sister ran into my room .I was standing with my underpants "stuck in my mouth !! Bed sheets Shredded .. MIND you I am a DREAMER !!
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |