    Do you prefer a Honda Goldwing or a Harly ?

    +3  Views: 1498 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: bikes

    10 Answers

    Harley Davidson.


    Put Put Put...Here comes a Harly.Lol

    I don't care. I like them.

    You go little puttster Fishie!!!Straight pipes for you so if they don't see you,they'll sure hear you!!!Not putt-putt...BWAP-BWAP!!!

    I loved my Harly (1946 / "45" tank shift, springer front end, choped + flared rear fender, duel same side mounted pipes with fish tails and a sissy bar. Metallic tangerine orange with a leopard skin solo sadle). I was profilin', when it was running. Lots of broken shifter forks and blown head ghaskets (notorious). I never owned a Goldwing, but I did have  Honda Dream. A real plain Jane. But I went everywhere with it. Also rode a Honda 350 scambler for a while, lots of fun and ran great. I guess today if I had the option i'd go with the Harly.


    Goldwing much softer on the old bones. Keeps going mile after mile. Music playing. Great

    harleys are so classic. Harley any day.

    harleys are so classic. Harley any day.

    if i were to have a bike probably  a gold wing, more relieble and don't rattle your bladder to much, but for now i'm happy with my car..

    Goldwing is like a sportscar-- Harley is  like a motorcycle.--- There's nothing more American than Apple Pie, and Harley Davidson. I owned a 1200 Superglide years ago, The throbbing beat of America is the classic 'potato-potato-potato' sound from a harley exhaust.. There's nothing like it. 

    Goldwing? eh??? Nice machine, built well last a long time and smooth riding, it only has one problem i can think of.......,  Its not a Harley Davidson...



    I had a Goldwing and covered many miles with my son on the back. Those werte the days


    Poor Randy had a Harly. Perhaps that is what rattled his head off. I think a few other part are loose also. LOL

    Pan european , Fj 1300 . Kawasaki Gt 1000


    no matter what i am american 

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