    i do i make a person like cats

    0  Views: 855 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Im sorry to say this, but you can't force someone to like them.You can only let them see the positive parts and let them decide for themselves.

    Probably depends on the individual...either they like them or they don't. Some people don't want the responsibility of looking after an animal.

    I like all the kitties I have had.My son has black and white cat named Timmy, he got from a shelter.

    AHH..I have, with great help from my cats and kittens, helped 4 people learn to love cats(3 didn't like them and 1 was allergic (or so she thought). However, I can communicate with cats...that is of great help!!!!!  There are some people who need to have complete power and control with animals.  Cats, quite obviously, are a poor choice for those types.  Cats are born Royal and expect to be well cared for but treated as an equal in the family-if not the boss.  Sadly, those control freaks get dogs...dogs are pack animals and will become submissive if they must- but they lose a good part of their personality doing so.


    my pusslings rule the house quite well, and we usually obey

    Yes Lambshank- The Happiest cats are treated as true Royalty!!! Hurray for You!!!
    Oh, and lets not forget this- It is IMPOSSIBLE to SPOIL a CAT!!!!!

    yes, cats do their own thing.They might let you join in, if they're in the mood.

    Our two rule in our house ,no doubt about that.

    Mine is an "only child" can only imagine -LOL. He is Wonderful!!

    You can't make a person like cats. I've heard cats are like little women in fur coats!

    ed shank

    I love it.

    i hate cats and they hate me.. i prefer it that way.



    Because they are smarter than I am, that's why..

    vinny, I think they're smarter than most people,mine use and abuse me regularly

    They are smarter then all of us!!!!

    Give them a kitten, WBMS




    If they don't like cats that would be a bad idea!

    Jack, What does WBMS mean ?

    Well some people prefare "Dogs .Me I am a real "cool cat" .Because I like to "Catnap!!  ( snore )


    ... and the glasses make you look pretty cool as well. Not everyone can pull of glasses like that. Coolio.

    I think It was Colleen`s Idea.So she can call me "Four eyes !!

    My husband used to hate cats until I (a lover of all animals) bought 2, he now enjoys the simple pleasures and the joy o joy of cat admiration and presents he receives, usually in the form of mice dropped on the bed in the middle of the night



    thats not what my husband say's!!!

    It's hard to make someone like cats, if they don't. My dad didn't like cats, and he got that from his grandmother who died when I was almost 4.  Maybe if  your cat gets up on your cat --hating friend's lap and rubs her head against his hand, and purrs and all that, he'll grow to like her. Some people who don't like cats ( and i used to be one of them ) will like individual a cat that their sister or somebody has .

    You don't and you can't. Facts are facts, sorry...............

    I love cats, but not everyone likes them. My sister in law can't stand the feel of them, mind you she's a silly bitch anyway. But really it's every ones choice, and if they don't like them it's their loss.


    My wife hated them. My cat who was a few years old at one point would hear here car coming towards the house and meet her at the car door and meow at her. Over time she grew found of my furry buddy. On occasion I would yell at the cat and God forbid my wife heard it. She would freak out at me and take the cat in the house and tell her what a bad man I was. She cried for days when "Louie " died at 24. I buried her near her favorite sunning rock. My wife still gets emotional everytime she does some gardening in that area.


    I don't, I don't make anyone like anything!

    I do like to get people to try garlic butter on non-frosted Shredded Wheat! TOASTY.

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