    Is liquid or powder detergent better for washing clothes?

    I hear liquid leaves a scum like substance in your washer

    +4  Views: 918 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    I have never experienced this and I used a washer fed by untreated well water. Lots of iron stains but no multiple washers.

    6 Answers

    most powdered laundry detergents contain perberates , so either need to be dissolved in warm or hot water & added to the wash or wash in warm water, liquids or a specific detergent designed for cold water work in either, personally I have no preference, depends on how dirty the clothes are

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    Liquid dissolves more efficiently and distributes more evenly in the wash and works better than powder in any temperature.

    I am much happier with liquid.  I don't like the little white lines you sometimes get with powdered detergent...I haven't had a situation quite as severe as Doolittle but pretty close.  I also like that I can boost my liquid detergent with another product and can control the exact amount I need with the machine that I have. 

    I have not really thought about this before but there is nowhere to put powdered detergent in with this new (Red) washing machine of mine.  I would have to put it in with the clothes... then I would be destined for white lines.  It is liquid all the way.

    The last time I used powdered detergent (yrs. ago)...all of my clothes came out with caked on detergent- despite "pre- desolving"...It was a mess of a situation..3 more wash cycles...a 24 he soak in the bath tub...and throwing out 2 pair of ruined pants.

    Really good question gm,doolittle,a similar things happened to me before too.Must admit,i usually buy liquid nowadays but not if theres powder on special offer

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