14 Answers
I live in Scotland and speak perfect English.
Amazing, eh?
12 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
Olá! Falo Inglês, mas eu posso usar o tradutor do Google para corresponder e você pode usá-lo para traduzir Português para Inglês! >>> Basta clicar neste link e confira>>>http://translate.google.com/#auto|pt|Hello!I%20speak%20English%20but%20I%20can%20use%20the%20Google%20Translater%20to%20correspond%20with%20you%20and%20you%20can%20use%20it%20to%20translate%20Portugese%20to%20English%20!Just%20click%20on%20this%20link%20and%20check%20it%20out%3E%3E%3E
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Fair suck of tne sav, of course i can speak English.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I talk American English and a little of this and that enough to get lunch and a place to sleep about anywhere on the planet. I been looking over various forms of slang and insider languages that everyone has heard here and there but few know what it means, usually just insiders. Some are found or mentioned here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polari
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Recently I have discovered very great course online and have gradually improved my pronunciation by practicing at home and I am no longer embarrassed to speak in public! Below I give You guys a webpage http://www.bellsenglishonline.com/
10 years ago. Rating: 0 | |