    Do you think it does any good to vote?

    +4  Views: 1379 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    22 Answers

    If you don,t vote it,s just as good as saying I give up, are the people going down that lane?


    Beats an authoritarian dictatorship.

    yes, please vote

    A trustee of ours was up for reelection several years ago, We seen him in a local restaurant a couple weeks before the election, He came up bragging Aw you don't have to vote for me it will be  OK.... I can't remember why but my wife and I did't vote that election and he lost by 1 vote..... Had I voted he would have lost by 2..

    I live in British Columbia... We all know that there is no point but we try anyway!



    Bring back Vander Zalm.

    Aman, that's kind of my theory!! Thank you fishlet!!!

    Of course you should Vote!!!  Even if the candidate(s) you vote for don't get elected you have exercised your right to choose.  

    Not if it's for Obama..


    Now daren, that is why voting is so important. You vote for the candidate you feel is best suited for the position. Or, you vote against the person least likely do the job well!

    As usual your right Doo,It's important to vote Obama out of office..

    Your crazy if you think otherwise.

    Voting is your opportunity to voice your opinion, don't vote then don't complain



    your dead right!!!

    i think what hes trying to say is does our votes really count. as far as we know they do. but i do remember that florida incident (i think it was florida, any way) where the had to recount the votes because of a mistake. how did they find out about the "mistake" from the get go.who said there was an error? how did they find out? one of our "actor" candidates?

    OF COURSE pick the candidate you would most like to be robbed by and put your x down.

    Doesn't help in CA. 

    If your an Obama fan, I would say its best you didn't.

    Thank you.


    I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2008. I was very disapointed when the Electoral College decided that Obama won. My vote again will be decided by the Electoral College. I think its a scam.


    You are absolutely correct!

    Vinny, In our capitalist system we have very little to say in the actons of our government. The greatest influence on our government are the wealthy. They listen to big banks and buiness because they fund theire election campaign and big newspapers and media because they can influence public opinion.

    Of course it doesn't...but it does the heart good to keep telling ourselves it does!


    To my knowledge, my vote has swayed an election yet! But, it's my right to...and so I do. The politicians all lie pretty much about the same!

    Yes shootah, they all lie but in different directions. Politicians defined. "A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement.

    Im not really that interested in voting, because no matter which candidate gets elected, they will do their own thing any way, never keep many of promises, they made to begin with.

    Must confess I have no idea how you in the USA choose your candidate .

    It appears a real balls up to me, you vote to see who you are going to vote for.

    In Australia the parties nominate a candidate for the various  areas and the people vote on the one day for the person or party they feel is the best.for their own area.

    Let me tell you about people power as of last Saturday in Queensland Australia.

    Our two major parties are Labor and Liberal National Party.

    The Labor Party have been in power for 20 years, here you stay in until you are voted out,  Seems fair to me, if you are doing a good job why change things just for fun.

    We have our elections every three years and it is compulsory for everyone over 18 years old to vote.

    The parties elect the leader and other "officals" treasurer, police minister etc.

    Well the labor party went mad over the last couple of years sold State owned Railway system, sold land that was State owned pine forests sold the state owned water system and every bloody thing else to try and get themselves out of the red. (Deficit)

     Last Saturday in our State election Labor got 7 out of 84 available seats in parliament.

    Liberal Nationals got over 70 and the rest went to a few minority "Rat Bag" groups.

    We the people of Queensland said "Enoughs Enough" p--s off, it is the greatest defeat of any government since forever.

     The leader of the party former Premier Anna Bligh , she actually held her seat, has since  resigned that seat and accepted the blame for the dismal showing her ruling party received.

    This is a system of democracy  in its` truest form and people vote on performance so people power wins.

    Don`t become complacent with your ability to change things because if enough want change you get change but sit on your hands and you will only get warm hands.


    I think that it's very important to vote. I know that sometimes it seems futile, but it's still the most effective way to make your voice heard. I read recently that Austrailia and New Zeland have compulsory voting or you get fined. At first I thought that this was a absurd idea for a democracy. But, then I read the reason for it. It eliminates gridlock and forces the politicians to adopt a more reasonable attitude and listen to the majority of the people. Also, according to the article it helps to diminish the control that corporations have on the political system. However, I don't know that it would work here where the public is so resistant to coercion.

    Yes I think you should use your right to vote. A lot of people have died to give us that right, and a lot of people will in the future, So I think it's important that we have our say, even if the politicians ignore us.

    yes do vote.Years passed some people have given up their life to vote.

    It looks to me like Peoplelover and MBS have hit the nail on the head,,with two perspectives from 2 different countries,,however i reckon all should vote,if you do not have a say,you cannot complain about who gets in,and to say you do not vote because it does not matter,,thats just sticking your head in the sand..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It does not matter what the people want or who they vote for. The Electoral College decides who you want. The people don't know what they want. If you vote for someone the Electoral College doesn't like they say the people are confused and they have to decide for you in your state of confusion. It is a waste of time to vote. You are confused. Only the Electoral College knows what you want.

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