    what is meant by "call no one else father"

    bible quote

    +1  Views: 815 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    This word is often used as a religious title in direct opposition to the teaching of Christ: " And call no man your father on the earth: For one is you Father, even he who is in heaven" ( Matt 23:9). This is speaking of a religious usage rather than a physical relationship, because the Holy Spirit often uses the word " father" in speaking of ones parents. It is not strange that millions will use a tittle that is positively forbidden by Christ.

     This is a man made tradition absolutely forrbidden in the Bible.For a Holy man to apply this tittle to his name, makes him guilty of perverting the Word.


    Good morning.

    What about Roman Catholic priests?
    They,re called FATHER.
    country bumpkin

    They're are no exceptions to this rule. I took my son to a Birthday party once and the boy's father was a Catholic Priest. I did not know the mans name and so I asked his wife and she said just refer to him as Father. I again asked her what is his name because I was not about to do this. The Bible is also very clear in that, no man should refer to himself as a Reverend either. If people would just read and study, study, study, their Bibles and follow its instructions instead of following and believing what they are told by "holy men" then their would not be so much confusion and disagreement when it comes to religion.

    So the RC Church is wrong?

    The Apocryphal Books are the only books found in the catholic bible !
    country bumpkin

    Romos, the Bible is what is right, not the traditions of men unless they follow the Bible. God's word is eternal, it does not change. Man does not have the right to come along and decide what he wants to follow or change the meaning of in the Bible, just because it does not suit him or because he thinks it does not matter in this day and age.Read the verse for yourself and see what it tells us.

    CB: I could not agree with you more. Sadly, there are so many people who DO change the meanings, pick and choose what fits their lifestyles, and discard that which would humble them. We see it here with every faith-based question, answer, and discussion. I love your conviction. To ME, it is obvious you have the aura of peace that passes understanding.

    I know a lady who is 99 this year and she never called her father by that name , she says there is only one father. she called her father dad. That's her belief so it's up to her, but I can't see why you can't speak of your parent as father, and  also have God the father as in the religious meaning.

    country bumpkin

    SunnyB, PLEASE Go back and read my response above if you would like. It is okay to call your dad father.

    This means that we only have one heavenly father and that is my Lord Jesus.



    He's only your Lord or should that read "our Lord" for all the believers?

    I have one father, he sired me. I have a creator who created me but did not sire me.

    Religions just mess everything up!

    Matthew 23:9
    Jesus warns the people against the religious leaders.  Some of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees started believing that their manmade laws were equal to God's laws and told the people to obey THOSE rules.  Many of those leaders did not obey those laws, and many of the ones who did were just trying to make themselves look good.  
    In verse 8, Jesus says,
    "Don't let anyone call you 'Rabbi', for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters."  
    Verse 9:  "And don't address anyone here on earth as "father", for only God in heaven is your spiritual Father."  
    Verse 10 says to call no one "teacher" because there is only one teacher, the Messiah.

    Remember these words were spoken over 2000 years ago. When we are speaking faithfully, we will call no one else teacher, father, or rabbi. 

    IMNTBHO:  Calling your earthly paternal parent "Father" is OK.  

    Here on earth father would refer to a masculine deity, but when you read the whole context, It was more like a Master and no gender involve.

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