    what people think about gas prices

    +2  Views: 635 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    They are high..and they say they will be even higher in the summer.  It has become much more expensive to fly also.  There is nothing that says gas prices will go down any time soon :(.

    The higher gas prices go, the more attractive alternative energy processes become. So there are ways and means to fight the rising cost of fuel and the methods for doing that have been around for a long time. It is up to the public to demand those ways come into common practice before you’ll be seeing much more than footnotes on those subjects. We are all in this together and it is up to all of us to keep what we like and sacrifice what we don’t like for our greater good.

    I think the Alien are digging deeper cause the gas is sky rocket, they wont be able to fly their spaceship.


    I believe there ships rely on "clean" fusion to run..they are digging for plutonium and uranium.

    They should go Iran seem like they got plenty of the stuff.

    The Aliens are powering their ships by the power of transcendental meditation... Moving space ships from one place to another is a by-product of transcendental meditation. Pretty cool if you ask me.

    Hey Fishel! maybe you could show me how to do that? so I can save some gas.

    Very special question as gas prices are increasing day by day.

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