    I surrender ,My post to Ducka was meant to be kind . How you got anything else is beyond me . I am not worth this .

    +2  Views: 866 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    You know, Bill, you have a hard time letting go of stuff that puts bile in your mouth.  You have just come off suspension and the slate should be clean for you.  The objectionable posts, emails, and whatever else, should be deleted, including the ones that were copied and posted outside of their origin.  You have another opportunity to be a contributing member here.
    This needs to be over.   LET IT GO!  NOW. 
    If you haven't learned to control your emotions and temper, you DO need to take a break. You DO need to understand that everyone has their issues and heartbreak and impossible hurts to live with, past, and through.  YOU aren't the only one who has had a raw deal.  You DO need to realize that your nemesis is NOT on this site and NO ONE here should be subjected to your wrath.
    What was that quote about not seeing a sliver (?) because of the plank in one's eye?  HELLO.
    No. This is NOT worth the time and effort.  YOUR time and effort.


    "The objectionable posts, emails, and whatever else, should be deleted, including the ones that were copied and posted outside of their origin."

    Not happening. Those are there as my defense to his baseless accusations laid on me that what happened was all my fault for not siding with him in his vulgar attack on that girl. He needs to deal with his own words. He came off suspension and started up his agenda on me again because he hates women, all women and I became his easy target. He can live with his actions and the comments he's now receiving from the aware members, the ones not living in a dream world, the ones who see him as the antagonistic, abusive, vile and filled with hate man that he is. I'm letting all the haters go here. Have fun on the forum from hell (that should be the new name for akaQA). The haters have free reign. Give it two days and all the sappy people will kiss their asses and forgive them and the cycle of abuse will continue. Enjoy :)

    What is he doing on here ? I thought he was permanently suspended ?

    Colleen: You are the moderator. You don't need to defend yourself. Leaving that stuff is offensive, just as it was when HE posted it. If he, or anyone else, has been warned, then suspended, and continue to be abusive in whatever way is contrary to the rules, expel the offender and delete all of their posts. These reminders are not conducive to a helpful community. Please.

    I have no control on that thread. It's one I had to hand over to the admin because of what he did here. I've not been the one in charge of Bill since he pulled the outburst. If the admin want it removed, they will remove it. At least the person he directed those words to does not know it was for them. I was able to remove his rant from the thread/question that it started in.

    Well it has to stay now. I've just received an e-mail from him that he is suing myself and akaQA for libel and slander.

    I'm beginning to think you just like the attention be it good or bad, stop this, please.  You've always posted well written stuff before......


    Not so . Since I came back Ducka has posted reminders of what I said . Several times ! I could have attacked . But I was wrong saying those things so I just took my lumps and thought about my anger and my errors . I came to the conclusion that I know nothing of all these people not a single thing. Nothing of their lives ,the losses the joys , the difficulties they have had . I know nothing of you other than the few things you have shared . So how could one make assumptions and say unkind things about some one they dont know .I said just that to Ducka " I dont know you " My comment about hell was prefaced with "I THINK " and the rest was tongue in cheek humour. All of this was apparently not seen or read . Certainly mis interpreted by all . I thought I was offering good advice and a olive branch. Instead what I started was a round of stone throwing . Okay Ill take my lumps . Jenn made some comments about past things being not relevant . Losing 20,000 and the betrayal of a woman were no big deal . I rember your story of times under a bridge ,what if some one said no big deal how hard those times might have been ? To say that all that came before is of no relevance and should be forgotten . I think that is wrong .We are this moment the product of all that has been said and done to us in our lives . I dont like attention at all. Ill stand another round of stone throwing from all . Ill listen to people who say I need help as if something is wrong with me . Ill believe they are right even when I know their lives are far from perfect . Ill believe I should pay no attention to the huge wounds in my heart and soul because others say something is wrong with me . Yes it must all be my fault . Thanks for your words !

    bluesman...ANYONE can learn about ANYONE. It's so very simple!

    1) Click on any person's profile.
    2) Click on "my questions". Read!
    3) Click on "my answers". Read!

    All mysteries are instantly solved!

    Whaaa. Yes, there is something wrong with you. You were not wounded anymore deeply than any other person who has placed another on a pedestal and wrapped their world around them. There is something wrong with you to hate with such fierce passion, to believe that seeing the other dead would avenge the wound you feel you did not deserve. You speak like a controlling individual who would terrorize a person into staying with you rather than loving them as you should. Your heart did not get hurt, your pride and ego did. Your ego is dark and sinister and I'm betting that she did not just leave you, she ran as fast and as hard as she could to get away from you. She married quickly for the security, just to feel a bit safe from you. Your actions, your violent temper and your violent words here speak this story. You are not depressed, not at all, you have an agenda that keeps you alive, focused and fixated, as you said so many time here, your goal and your greatest wish is to see her dead. YES, there is something wrong with you. When my ex cheated on me, I wished her love and I wished her well knowing she was not right for me and I was not right for her. That is a sane person, an insane one fixates and wishes fervently for the other to die. What ever you wish for her will be visited back onto you. Think about that and then get over it.

    What now?  I miss everything.  Can't imagine you making a snide remark to Ducka.  Can't imagine ANYONE making  a snide remark to Ducka.  What gives?


    Ducka has posted several comments about me none of them pleasant. I tried to respond in a kind way . You saw it as snide . What is one to do ?

    He has accused me of telling him to "burn in hell". I said no such thing and I have contacted admin.

    I haven't seen anything to pass judgment or opinion, Bill. I said I missed everything. I don't know who said what to whom, when, or why. Certainly where is not an issue, but I don't even know what question has caused the uproar.

    You can't imagine Bluesman making a snide remark ?Bluesman has not stopped with his snide remarks, not only to Ducka, but other members also.He has just come off suspension because of it.

    Bob..His comments are MUCH more than just "snide". He has used extremely vile, horrendous language, all over this forum to me and to others. It's all here...everywhere!
    (Thanks for your support.)

    Thanks python. I have contacted admin. about his personal attack on me as this, I will NOT tolerate nor should other members.

    I can't imagine making a snide remark to Ducka. Bill has made snide remarks to ME, so I certainly know he is capable of being snide. I missed the exchange with Ducka.

    Bob Ducka is correct ,it was Dolly bird who offered the "burn in hell" in response to duckas comment . Now what do I do ?

    You owe Ducka one big apology.

    What post and do you really surrendering yourself  Bill Dawson?


    The fight continues if I respond . I am not interested and for the benefit of all I chose to be silent in regards to this issue .

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