    What rules and laws apply in Minnesota for selling ice cream cones in a retail store?

    We will have an antique store with a 1950's style counter where customers could take a break and have an old fashioned ice cream cone like they were available in old drug stores.   We would have an ice cream freezer that takes large round containers of ice cream.   The countertop will be a new hard washable surface.  Ice cream would probably be offered just during summer months.  Will the rules and laws be more hassle than the value of the "draw" of customers for the ice cream?

    +1  Views: 685 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    You must satisfy the bureaucrats.  Contact state officials as well as city and county, many cities and counties have addendum to existing state requirements.  You are dealing in a food item so you will more than likely need to have insurance against food poisoning etc. Your equipment must meet or exceed NSF requirements-- I am sure that if you do as jack stated and my suggestions you'll get your answers, probably you  can go to your state www site and find reference to 'opening a business in MN"  or something to this effect..

    Good luck! send is some ice Cream, I like Rocky Road!



    Contact the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State, WBMS



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