    Does colleen work for the guberment?

    0  Views: 1420 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: gathering

    Everyone here works for the "Guberment"... We know what you are up to as you have a chip in your head put there at birth. They do this in the hospital when they take a vile of your blood. You know this of course.

    13 Answers

    Colleen is chief gubberment agent, and the one who sends the great spellchecker to get you.

    SORRY i let the cat out the bag Colleen.

    Roger Willcoe

    I don't see chief but you got the bag right.

    Insulting people over the internet is just another form of cowerdice.

    Colleen is a volunteer here at akaqa, I don't know if she works or not but I know she isn't paid to be a moderator, she is just one smart cookie.....


    He knows who I am. He started on akaQA falsely accusing me of making him lose over 200 karma. He was wigged out in the brain then and he's even worse now. I'm going to let him continue because apparently this is what the members of akaQA want. Anyone who causes trouble here gets his ass kissed by the forum members and told, it's OK "we forgive you!" (sung all together just like the kiddies on romper room). People think it's fun and funny to trash Colleen, well Colleen is now going to sit back and watch assholes trash akaQA. Sit back and have fun jh. Take a good look at this ranting lunatic. He's from the same non-reality as your friend Bill.

    I am not even involved here and yet I get slammed by Colleen . I owned up to what I said and let it go . I have held my tongue with Colleen and that should be evident to every one . So what does one do ? I am giving those karma points away fast as I can

    Bluesman... Colleen is talking about Roger Willcoe not you.

    I got you SO wrong initially on here COLLEEN!...I SO.OOO APOLOGIZE!!!:-¬

    guberment , what's that ?

    Roger Willcoe

    That's what owns you.

    Pythonlover you are owned. Auuuggghhhh!

    I think the Asylum owns you.Dickie Oh willie sounds like "Penis no matter how you say it

    sure its not guberm I nt? sounds like something to chew on to me.

    It's an organization that hires people that like to eat gubers. ....or goobers. In the Southern U.S...they call peanuts >>> goobers


    Roger Willcoe

    I'm gathering.

    None of us here, are reliable. You should "gather" elsewhere.

    Don't worry Ducka... He can't "gather" me... I have been brainwashed and I wear rose coloured glasses. This guy throws criticisms out like they are buttons. Nice guy

    I have a new name for (our current) aka forum...nbg...nut bars galore!
    Some on here lately, make the rest of us look "tame".

    Oh... What was that??? Was that a "Shadow Person"?
    .... I'm outta' here!

    Don't be frightened fishy...we'll all get through this one together...again! lol

    I don't think so, but she helps to gubern this site

    YES. I am one of her "Take away men . "Bond is the Name Losing nuts like "You is my game .Now your thinking "BUT "BUT is the British  GOVT. Involved  !! Colleen is our contact I like to clean "Dirt up just like a street cleaner! but wont be cleaning you up .More like "Scraping "GOSH you have more "SHIT than "Blood. WILLCOE .That`s a Name! ! more like LOCO!! I am coming for you .I can smell you from here "PHEW" shit yourself .   YOU have just made my "DAY" .


    Lot of nasty shit going on here?

    not as "nasty as Willcoe .fishlet was sick of his pictures of a dead child Wants to kill"" everybody .So that gets to me.Our mod Colleen got abuse of him Thats not right we can all attack with words "But not the way he does .Or do you think I am wrong or offended any one .My anger is at him.

    Colleen is actually the Gubermentor in Chief of this site.


    good word!

    She is a government agent. She knows the color of your eyes and your blood type by now. Which by the way is in short supply in your neighborhood. Be nice, transfusions cost's a lot of money.

    This is Officer G.T. Grip. Badge # 71056

    I was called back to this site by the site administrators to remind everyone here that guberment activity is strictly confidential.  No one is to I.D. another, or themselves, as a guberment employee,  contractor, or agent.

    Cooperation in this matter is mandatory.

    This thread now has an official case # of stpd-007-n0t.

    And now I must finish my snack of goobers and raisinettes. 

    Be Safe and Know that Big Brother is ALWAYS Watching.


    I have just been reading about this guberment... we don't have one of these in Canada (We are so hard done by, just ask the Tragically Hip).  While searching through the many sites on the subject I found a gigantic Colleen Head ... It was huge!  I scrolled around and found a toolbar that said, INFORMATION HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am a curious creature and so I had to know.

    This is what I found...

    You have misspelled the word guberment, it actually is GuuBerment.

    Colleen is not only working for the GuuBerment, she holds a very! very! very! high position. (Is the chip in your head vibrating yet?... there is more to come.  You may want to sit down)

    Colleen founded the GuuBerment. Fact not Fiction, Baby!

    The GuuBerment generates $1216.65 per second... and the GuuBerment is powerful. (Take note of Officer G.T. Grip. Badge # 71056) Pay close attention to your warnings.

    The very last piece of information is the most important... There is a list and Sparky, your name is on it!  I am afraid that you are on the list of lists.  The list of lists puts you in a precarious position.  You might want to put gas in your truck and become very, very, very stealthy. 


    ... That would freak me out totally!


    OMG u r freakin' my freak Fishy...I'm being afraid...very very afraid!!!

    It's ok Lindilou. You are protected in the bubble. Just ask Sparky up there. I am in the bubble with rose coloured glasses. My kind is why the world is what it is today!!!
    The shame.
    I grow my own vegetables for goodness sakes! This is horrible! I am wicked!

    that was fuunnnyyyy, Fishie .

    Please say KOTF is in the bubble, I don,t want to be stuck outside with this vibrating head chip f*****g WACKO.

    Romos- You are, most certainly, in the Bubble. This had been a message from OFF. G.T. Grip

    No she don't but if she were to ever leave here she might have a good job as a double agent..or perhaps a hit man/women


    I'm not a killer unlike some here that I would be very leery of in the real world. Especially those who call for the death of people because they hurt them or push an agenda for a mass evil empire government take over. This nut job was screaming last year that the chem-trails were killing him, oooohhhh the poison gases! He's still alive.......still ranting, still thinking people will listen to a lunatic.

    you do have killer instincts ...that we know, it's a good thing

    Only if my life was in jeopardy. Then I would kill to defend myself if necessary as all people should.

    It's spelt gruberment. Fishy is right, you do have an alien chip in your right toe. They put it there when they shoved a needle through your head. You're right, but Collen really works for the CIA so I'd watch it mate. She's been in the military too and she can also fly helicopters and shoot with machine guns.

    Is your spelling correct of guberment?

    It is not in my dictionary .

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