    Some people cant leave well enough alone . They need to keep throwing gas on the fire . I am guilty ,guilty ,I said those bad words I admit it !!!!! I dont like my ex I admit it !! What do you wish me to do hang myself ???? Lol Not going to happen . I have to live with what I said thats all there is to that . If you think I am callus and un careing ,you are very wrong ! Ill make it formal in front of every one ,leave me alone ,simple as that . I was defenseless for three days suspended ,while e

    +3  Views: 672 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    You're on a world wide web telling people that you're here to say goodbye and then you'll fade away into the Blue,  yet you keep posting questions and comments one after another, some of them telling people to leave you alone!  A person who wants to be left alone does not continue posting . Make up your mind, Bill.


    You were one of those throwing stones . Thats okay you are entitled . I intend to fix my karma real soon . I like so Ill send some money and give a child a smile to face the world . I do this as often as I can . But this will be a extra one .

    No, she was not throwing stones. Having your words shipped right back at you may have felt like stones but that's only because they come back to you twice as hard as when you throw them out. It's called bad karma.

    Bill;  If you want us to leave you alone then why are you telling us to leave you alone?  This is very confusing.

    Do you just want to use your TUs and leave? 

    I don't understand.

    KC Fishlet


    Not meant for you . Colleen is still sniping behind the scenes . I have the greatest respect for you and that will not change . Thanks for the advice about the blog . Will try that soon . Bill

    I'm not sniping behind the scenes. I'm right out there were everyone can see, responding to comments you make about the evil person I am and how I will show the real me in time. This is the real me. I am what I am people who know me personally know this is one great truth about me. I do not pretend to be anything but what I am. The only other thing I said something to was your comments where you were blaming everyone but yourself for what happened the other day. It's all right there for anyone to see. No "behind the scenes".

    I forgave you as soon as you wrote it, just chill some...........


    I have plans to repair my karma ,tell you about it later . Thanks for your words . Bill

    Admitting the problem is only half way to fixing the problem, why not go the extra mile ?


    Hi Bill.  You don't have to like your X.  You don't have to like any of the Q's or A's either.  You don't have to particularly like anybody on this site.  However, liking people, +/or their Q's and As, and respecting people are two different things.  When you first posted that you were leaving I read the thread- and had no idea as to what had happened.  When you posted this Q I got curious and found the thread again.  This time a lot more had been added and I understood what was up.

    Please read the following all the way before you form an opinion of your own. Thanks.

    Here is my point of view.  I am not a moderator and have only been around since Dec.- but, due to my personal circumstances, I have been here a lot since Dec.   I appreciate all of the regular members.  I respect them, though I don't always agree with them.  I feel that most of your Q's and A's are respectful and helpful.  I've been down on my luck before and have been through hell for the past few years- so, I get your frustration and anger.  Sometimes it seems you forget that we are all people and that 'going off'' on one of us by cussing, making what surely sound like threats, or name calling is taken personally (whether it should be or not) and our feelings can be hurt or we feel threatened.  Or, as I & others have been an on-looker when you (and a few others) have done this,  I get somewhat sad and confused.  I realize you are blowing off steam- that you have a heck of a lot on your plate that you are trying to deal with- and that you, too, are human and take what people write here personally.  

    I tend to be laid back and have a live and let live attitude.  I am passionate about some things.  I love animals (all of them-though I am scared of 3-I love them at a distance).  I get worked up when I hear about animal cruelty.  However, I can respond to a lot of the Q's, A's, and comments without, cussing, name calling, or threats.......I'm sure you have read some threads where I have written "Doolittle does not like this idea"  "doolittle does not think killing_______ is the correct way to resolve your prob"...etc. and then I try to give a clear rationale and provide alternative ideas to 'solve' the problem.  You are also probably aware that I am going through the divorce from hell..and if you have missed it, I have referred to my X as "the evil one". (and many of my thoughts on this matter I have kept to myself).  When you make statements (especially as a guy) that you want your X to have a slow horrible death (or however you phrased it) and other  remarks that have to do with her suffering or dying-It sends up RED Flags. Are or were you abusive? Would you kill her?  Is she safe? - these may seem silly but this is a world wide web site with a lot of people reading our Q's and As without ever responding.  Anyone who has been abused or had their life threatened (or has a friend or loved one go through that) could easily feel that your remarks are real Not Fantasy. Or that our site is not a 'safe' place to air concerns about receiving real threats in trying to get Help.

    Finally, there are three moderators.  Colleen is on this site everyday- for hours at a time.  The other two are also on this site a lot.  Colleen has let us all know she is one of the three the other two are much more quiet about it- though, they are around, and have had to make tough decisions, 404 Q's, "scold" members and newbies, and have needed to contact admin. about problems too.  All three are contributing members asking Q's and answering tons!  Perhaps because the other two are quiet it is easier to separate their answers from their moderation.  Colleens answers are hers.  She answers as a member.  She also does her moderation duties- but the two shouldn't be confused.

    (...and many of us have received TD at one point or another- almost exclusively from a newbie who has no idea how this site works.  Simply telling the person nicely how it works-or contacting a mod. so they can, usually solves the prob.)

    Thanks for reading this.  I hope you do return.  Telling us you are having a crappy day or are under a ton of stress may be more helpful than 'going off'.  We have all had them, and some of us know too well what you are going through!  You aren't alone.  Once in a while the advice/ answers I get are super helpful!  Sometimes I am surprised who gives the advice.  

    In any case, I hope you do know that you have helped people on this site.  And even if I (and others) have failed to help you we honestly wanted to help.  I wish you Peace!



    Doolittle ,Thanks for taking the time to type all that and share your story with me . Sorry about the divorce saying good bye is never easy . To answer your question I was never abusive ,not in any way . In 18 years I never raised my voice . In fact I dont believe we ever had a real fight . Certainly no yelling or saying bad things to each other . She had some dogs ,loved them a lot. You could work from sun rise to sunset in the hot sun digging post holes on rocky New Mexico ground. You could be dying of thirst and she would water the dogs first . Fact is they were first in everything . There never was a time when she was not first on my mind and I dont believe there was a time when I was on her mind at all.Would I kill her ? Most likely not ,but I recommend highly that our paths never cross again . Do I ask the universe to give her exactly as she has given .YES! Do I ask that her friends betray her YES ! Do I ask that she regrets taking a friend who would never say NO to anything she wanted and make it so he would never say YES again YES!.Do I ask for justice from the universe YES every day all day. Thats my position on that . Do I hope she lives a long time with out a single friend alone and broke YES betrayed as she has betrayed others I would call that karma .My business is off by 80% and life is desperate every day . No food ,no money ,no hope, sick ,taking way to many pills and having 4 things wrong with me that will eventually kill me . Its a matter of which one gets worse first . Thanks for your kind words ,I really enjoyed reading your words . Bill

    Bill. You are welcome-I hope you stick around. I really do get everything you are going through- I have chronic pain and several other Dx. I take medicine too. I am unable to work, am unemployed, and do not receive any $ from the govt. or my "beloved" (sarcasm!) spouse. So, I understand the financial strain too- not to mention how much divorce lawyers cost. It sounds like our spouses could easily be from the same family! (and yes, I have had some of those anger and frustrated thoughts about my spouse getting kicked in the karma too!)
    I am glad you clarified your non-abusive relationship with her-so every one now knows that you are blowing off steam when you say stuff about her.
    Peace my friend and a (hug).

    We should talk ,I have learned to survive for twenty five years with out a job and no assistance at all . Solely on my own and my art . I could offer some advice if you are interested . Bill

    Sounds good to me.

    Ok my fingers and toes are crossed…what now?

    all that stuff is water under the bridge. its done and over with. just let it go. this too will pass. just calm down and take it easy for a spell. it will all turn out ok.

    And your point is  ??????????????


    Sorry Sir ,This was not directed at you . Let it just pass by .

    "My husband was having an affair with someone from his workplace. I was so upset, I didn't know where to turn. till i saw your email on the internet Your Love Spell gave me the strength to confront him, and I won him back! The girl got fired, and now we are happy than we have ever been.thank to you Dr. Gboco(

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