Ive never said anything before but this stinks to high heaven. It does not matter weather its black or white. This person murdered a young man and ive not heard any word about a gun permit? Are yall still allowing him to carry his gun? What can the police tell me YYY there has not been a arrist for someone killing another person on there way home .Poor mister murder did it dawn on yall that the marks on him were from self defence on the part of the victum. I would bet you tkat he tried to grab the kid and he fought back and then he killed him. that question now will never be ????
2 Answers
Where and when did this murder take place. What is the name of the victim? The murderer? Is the investigation on-going? Have any of your local newspapers covered this story? I am asking these questions because I may be able to help you get answers to your concerns but I need all of the above info. to do this. Please wirte a new Q including the info. Or press comment this answer and you can write the info. right here- I will be alerted to your comment and can come back to read what you wrote. Thanks.
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |