    Would you give 100's of hours of your time to make someone a millionaire for free?

    0  Views: 707 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    I try to give everyone opportunities and encouragement to become all they can be. Many became wealthy, some merely prosperous and a very few fail financelly. I do not see wealth as a worthwhile goal when personal satisfaction is so much more gratifying. But were this food then I would have to say a refined pallet is called for to truly enjoy the success of others and the small part I may have played in their success. But then too, I see all those who I help as if they were my own children. To me we are to become like our Father in Heaven ( or Mother in Heaven…your choice) and that means my role is as a brother-Father. Although I have enjoyed helping others see their way to success, I see now that what is most needed is that folks should learn to think more clearly and solve problems by working with their own thinking skills. Some of the things I write here are complex and challenging to understand…but worth understanding.  


    Well said sir . Round of applause

    Time I have and if I can benefit someone else, so be it...............

    That is along the lines of what I learned last year except I also lost a lot of money in the process. 

    Pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again!


    I would like to speak to you about business . Got any ideas about how we might do that safely for you ?Bill

    Fish,I hate to hear that !

    Ben, It is over and done with ... a University Education in what not to do. I knew it was wrong right off the bat but I was supporting my friends.
    This year is my Master's Thesis year. I am going to stick to my original plan.
    Wish me luck! :)

    If i was enjoying what i did, yes.


    Interesting ,exploring word possibilities for some one who benefits from the work of others while doing little or no work themselves is called a ?????????

    Y'mean that's not what I've been doin' these past sumpin years?Work my butt off for the rich,take the money,pay some more rich people(except the fire-wood dude and the kali man) and my money seems to circulate like that and I'm just the laundress??Oh I did have a very different life before this current late-in-life mom trip,one in which I made an awful lot of money with no plan to do as I now do which ain't half bad I might add.So without a plan and free spirit that I am,I used to give my money away on the streets of wherever I happened to be.I made no-one rich...I only hope brother...that I made someones' day.Peace.



    Yes, on this page you get fleas.

    I wonder what he would bring by-the-pound ?

    More fleas...

    Where is our Romos?...havent seem him around today.

    Thank You Eggie!

    My believe is you reap what you sow, If you allow someone else to do your work than there will be no benefit or how to solve problem on your own,Cooperation is good when we each contribute our efforts in a project that is difficult to solve,You need to do some of the research,and not let your partner take all the load.


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