    HELP! I just wiped out my entire toolbars, how do I get them back?

    +1  Views: 521 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    have you tried rebooting?

    4 Answers

    OK, you have 3 things at the top of your screen.

    1) Web browser, 2) Tool bar (navigation bar) and 3) menu bar. 

    1) Browser is what you use to serf the internet. (Portion with the URL bars in it) The browser will be Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Bing or another browser of your choice. 

    2) Tool bar is where your TOOLS, tools gear symbol and buttons are that you use to command your browser or to use short cut buttons to get to favorite sites. 

    3) Menu bar is File, Edit, View, History, Bookmark Tools, Help...etc.

    What exactly did you lose?

    I have to go out for a few hours, will check back when I get home.


    I didn't have any of those things, no menu bar...My friend showed up and got lucky and found a restore button and clicked and it worked. Beats me how he did it and he didn't know either.....But thank you anyhow......

    Next time it happens, try pushing F11. That hides and unhides the browser.

    If you use Mozilla, click VIEW, then TOOLBARS then select the one you prefer.


    When I say "wiped out" I mean everything except one search engine. I don't show view or toolbars or anything... I was typing an email when I did this and have no idea what I hit...

    Have you tried rebooting?

    I unplugged it (for the upcoming storm) and it is still not showing any toolbars this a.m......

    You should close it down completely and then restart it. Hopefully, that will reset all functions.

    I've unplugged it, rebooted it, ctl alt delete, I've done it all to no avail. I've called a friend and he's coming over to help. I'll do laundry meanwhile. Thanks for trying to help......jhh

    bump, I really need this help.......


    hope Colleen`s advice helps good luck jhharlan

    I have a mac and lost my tool bars too. Curiously they reappeared a couple of days later. There is an on-going record of your system and set-up and when the system crashes or you loose a lot of what you normally see the system picks up on that and boots a back-dated version. In mine, I had blown my system preferences so badly that I couldn't get into get my printer back. 3 or 4 days later I tried to get into sys pref and there it was like noting had happened. Magic. A Force Quit command when things are hung-up reports the problem back on “whisper net” so you don’t even see what is happening. Good luck on that and hope you have a Mac. 


    No, I don't but my friend got it working somehow and bought me some good jalapenos to boot! He's always been a good friend to me, thanks Robert anyhow.....

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