    what is hummus?

    0  Views: 1175 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    What is hummus, I do not know. I do not know.
    But the humus layer of soil to grow in the plants. He is full of bacteria, micro-organisms and so on, prepare the soil so that plants can absorb their nutrients to grow over the water and their roots. These nutrients come from a natural cycle. Fallen leaves in the fall, the manure, the farmers mixed as manure from the stables, usually with straw spreading it on the fields, the natural extension of the Kotabfälle of the animals, mowed plants and in the autumn or winter withered plant constituents, by the above microorganisms are broken down into useful substances for plant and are absorbed by the roots of living plants along with water, together with the soil humus.
    A desert soil can be done with such a small and micro-organisms fruitful when it is watered after vaccination with these organisms and plant debris and applied at work beneath the surface of the ground. It then sets the erosion due to the same trees and sowing a crop that grows in irrigation then. Their protection can be found under the tree.
    Another important part of humus is the earthworm. He decomposed plant debris into humus. You can leave it in breeding farms in vast quantities multiply and spreading it on the inoculated soil. This creates a good one Erdbodenklima.
    If we all planting forests, occurs in the desert, a water reservoir in the soil, in which the branching of the trees themselves Würzeln. Because trees emit water through their leaves as water vapor into the surrounding air, creating a macro cycle of water. The more forest there, the more water is stored in the soil and more water is released into the air. If enough trees are there, also formed in the air automatically Wasserdampfübesättigung rain clouds and rain in any climate.
    Therefore, it is nonsense and rubbish, so crazy, cut down whole forests in tropical regions. Because then automatically creates nothing but desert and the soil is sterilized by heating in hot countries (pasteurization) and barren. So in the early days of the Sahara desert was forested.
    They have been cut down for shipbuilding and house building. Since then, only bushes grew, first emerged savannah, forest workers are less fertile.
    Then the local population has burned through the burning bush. The ground lay quite unprotected. They built on monocultures and the soil was exhausted after a few years and the harvests were due to the lack of diversity getting worse. Then moved on to humans and other areas cleared by fire, where they operated the same exploitation. Finally, only a barren desert was there.
    All desert areas of the world were originally planted, mostly jungle. And they contained a lot and varied animal life, which provided back to the humus.
    When people live in the jungle and reproduce, they need to make jungle forest culture, by striking the trees, the growth in failing to keep step with the strongest trees. Then automatically creates very high and very mighty trees that hold more water in the soil as virgin forest. Because the trees have air to spread out and develop the wide sweeping forest crowns (tree tops). Of course it takes away only as many trees as is necessary, that is created under the larger trees, a walk-in space. Because there is no longer in the scrub forest culture.
    Scrub with raspberry, blackberry, elderberry bushes, hazel and many other shrub species arises when only scattered large old trees stand, their seeds can take in enormous quantities. We can have only one oak tree as they grow to this size for hundreds of years do.
    First, however, since all were naturally growing trees, beech trees, fir-trees, maple trees, cherry trees, linden trees and I do not know what kind of trees or anything. Since the early trees harvested their seeds at another small site as the oak (German oak) threw and have absorbed the seeds until they air on to grow all kinds of trees back into tremendous density under the bushes, that it protects against the sun , approached a small plantlets.
    If you then, if these plants are 15-20 cm high, scrub away the culture in the forest, have driven the young plants to protect the old oak trees and grow very quickly growing into a young forest. If the brush is gone, the one for soil fertilization in forest trampled with the feet on the ground leaves in places where there is less to grow dense trees, we see that among all the crowns of oak trees, decreasing to its edge, young oak trees like the oak meadow are grown. We see then that there will be future oak again en masse. One only needs to operate properly, the cultural rejuvenation.
    The old oak trees need the young trees as long as the sun until they have become so large that no weeds grow. Now take the old oak trees and turns them into solid furniture, parquet flooring, wall paneling, oak beams in masonry, oak rafters for roofs of buildings. Also for fixing battens of oak flooring, wall panels, roof battens for the application of clay roof tiles can be made from less valuable timber interests of the tribes, it may attach to stable on the ground. And parquet can be glued to particleboard, which is produced from oak wood shavings and Eichensägemehl and glued with natural tree resins, so that they can move like cheap laminate flooring.
    This oak is so hard that you can not even drive a nail into it. Also, the worm fails because of the hardness of the oak. Therefore, it is practically last forever if it stays dry. It does not deal with poison against pests. It ranges from a grinding and polishing of the surface. You can treat it with a surface suitable tree resin to make it easy to wash with soap and water. And it still can be a thin layer of linseed oil applied to the surface.
    And the cultural diversity of forest tree species ensures that all possible forest birds are found in the crowns of the trees. For example, the woodpecker eats worms that invade trees, such as the bark beetle. There are spiders in the forest floor, there are many forest ant hill. And deer, hares, foxes, badgers, squirrels, porcupines, wild boars, and I do not know what species it is still everywhere in the forest.
    There are also reptiles such as salamanders, newts, tadpoles in ponds and so on.
    And such a culture as much forest has stored water in the soil that you can clear the woods in broad fields and meadow land, where it can engage in agriculture.
    Of course we should not be planted with monocultures of all land, but must operate a mixed economy fields. A crop is sown never two times in a row in the same field. It changes with the crop. Then for spraying poisons are not required to pests. In addition, all meadow plants and crops grown on the farm Nutzfeldern. And very large fields due to the variety of places you do not. Most 2 to 3 acres. I can still remember that in the corn fields, where not sprayed against weeds was collected chamomile, which have been made into teas and ointments, and other natural remedies. My mother even when she was still alive and was even younger, marigold collected, prepared and dried calendula ointment.
    Fields must not be limited in size. Through meadows one creates streams. Then grow along the streams along poplar, willow poles and other timber that you can use it. For pastures, you can weave baskets, as the farmers did before us. It creates meadows in valleys, where streams enter into the rain on the shore. One also must avoid that houses are being built in the lowlands. Then, at high water, no homes are flooded.
    Even on steep surfaces one creates meadows. These can be used as orchards. mixing it with apple trees of different varieties of apple pear trees with different varieties of pear, cherry trees with various cherry trees, plum trees, plum trees, plum trees, quince, and I do not know what else. We have also nut trees (walnut tree). Walnut and cherry wood is a very valuable and very nice wood furniture.
    And in larger free-field and meadow areas can be created for those villages. Within the local Etters puts you at the houses gardens. It is planted ornamentals such as roses, Schafmäulchen, tulips, I know all the names do not. Then also crops such as herbs, lettuce, leeks, turnips, radishes, legumes, vegetables, fruit bushes and berries. For example, chives, parsley, marjoram, lovage. Basil, dill, garlic, borage, nettle, dandelion, coltsfoot, watercress, sorrel, plantain, parsley, wormwood, savory, oregano, tarragon, rosemary, burnet, and many, many other herbs which are some of these herbs as is, where of course grow in wells, streams and meadows, and in ways that they can not grow in the garden itself must be. Then, spring onions, garlic and leeks, onions, garlic, horseradish, rhubarb, then lettuce, Chinese cabbage, endive, lettuce and many other lettuces, carrots (carrots), parsley roots, turnips, fennel, chicory, cabbage, celery, celery, spinach, turnips, radishes, asparagus, green asparagus, salsify, and so on, as well as cabbage, cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, then tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, pole beans, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants , blackberries, and so on, teas such as sage, mint, peppermint, lemon balm, and so on. I do not know what can be grown. There is a tremendous diversity.
    The out-of-town Etters fields and meadows surrounding it for erosion control and planted with grafted branches from fruit trees. Including one creates a grassy strip, so you do not drive around with agricultural machinery including need, when you edit the fields and meadows.
    In ravines, steep slopes and at dislocation puts you in hedges and lets them grow naturally. That is not a refuge for animals such as rabbits, birds, and I do not know what there all creeping and crawling (crawling and flying) and against the falling down of earth and rock material. It gives us even snails.
    And the farmers have to operate a multi-field system. They change every year, the crop rotation. After wheat, rye, spelled it builds potatoes, beet, fodder beet, rapeseed for canola oil, flax or hemp for fabrics to be spun for clothing and ropes and ropes. If the weed takes over hand, to build on clover. Red clover, blue clover I do not know all sorts.
    If the clover is broken after three or four years back (plowed) to build on potatoes for him deeply to eliminate weeds. Fodder beet grows you to edit the fields on the surface. Namely beet must be chopped and added individually, so they'll dickbauchig. It builds in us from which to make beet sugar. Continue to build on and sunflowers and corn.
    If all this is done, is created in the desert, in any desert landscape and Nutzlandschaft. We do not need jungle on earth. Only in a cultural landscape can be a holiday.
    Alois Bruno Rupp knowledge
    Tauberbischofsheim, 23 March 2012

    you are thinking of "humus", they asked about "hummus" a food!

    4 Answers

    Hummus is a Levantine Arab food dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic.[1][2] It is popular throughout the Middle East and in Middle Eastern cuisine around the globe. 



    it does not look good.

    No it does not.



    It sure is! I like it mixed with red peppers. The little girl that lives across the street from us loves hummus and she is only two years old.

    I use humus for fertilizer my flower and garden.


    spelling does count, humus is the decomposed stuff for soil enhancement, "hummus" is the food. Do not eat humus!

    Was Hummus ist, weiß ich nicht. Das kenne ich nicht. Aber Humus ist die Erdschicht, in der die Pflanzen wachsen. Er ist voller Bakterien, Mikrolebewesen und so weiter, die den Boden aufbereiten, damit die Pflanzen ihre Nähstoffe zum Wachsen über das Wasser und ihre Wurzeln aufnehmen können. Diese Nährstoffe kommen aus einem natürlichen Kreislauf. Abgefallene Blätter im Herbst, der Mist, den die Bauern als Dünger aus den Ställen meist mit Stroh vermischt auf die Äcker ausbringen, der natürliche Dung durch die Kotabfälle der Tiere, abgemähte Pflanzen und im Herbst oder im Winter verdorrte Pflanzenbestandteile, die durch die oben gennannten Kleinstlebewesen in brauchbare Stoffe für Pflanzen zerlegt werden und von den Wurzeln der lebenden Pflanzen aufgenommen werden zusammen mit Wasser bilden zusammen mit dem Erdboden den Humus. Einen Wüstenboden kann man mit solchen Kleinst- und Kleinlebewesen fruchtbar machen, wenn man ihn nach der Impfung mit diesen Lebewesen bewässert und Pflanzenreste aufbringt und unter die Oberfläche des Erdbodens unterarbeitet. Man setzt dann der Erosion wegen gleich Bäumchen und sät Pflanzen ein, die bei Bewässerung dann auch wachsen. Ihren Schutz finden sie unter den Bäumchen. Ein weiterer wichtiger Bestandteil des Humus ist der Regenwurm. Er zersetzt Pflanzenreste in Humus. Man kann ihn in Zuchtfarmen in riesigen Mengen sich vermehren lassen und auf dem geimpften Erdboden ausbringen. Damit schafft man ein gutes Erdbodenklima.



    What is hummus, I do not know. I do not know. But the humus layer of soil to grow in the plants. He is full of bacteria, micro-organisms and so on, prepare the soil so that plants can absorb nutrients from her to grow over the water and their roots. These nutrients come from a natural cycle. Fallen leaves in the fall, the manure, the farmers mixed as manure from the stables, usually with straw spreading it on the fields, the natural extension of the Kotabfälle of the animals, mowed plants and in the autumn or winter withered plant constituents, by the above gennannten microorganisms are broken down into useful substances for plant and are absorbed by the roots of living plants along with water, together with the soil humus. A desert soil can be done with such a small and micro-organisms fruitful when it is watered after vaccination with these organisms and plant debris and applied at work beneath the surface of the ground. It then sets the erosion due to the same trees and sowing a crop that grows in irrigation then. Their protection can be found under the tree. Another important part of humus is the earthworm. He decomposed plant debris into humus. You can leave it in breeding farms in vast quantities multiply and spreading it on the inoculated soil. This creates a good one Erdbodenklima.

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