    provide activities and resources to meet the individual needs of children and young people.

    0  Views: 3155 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Good luck getting certified. You should be learning this yourself not asking others to learn it for you. We get all you "students" every two weeks like clock work. How do you think you will be able to do your job if you do not know the material required for getting the job?

    You really need to answer all these questions you are posting here yourself. You are the one going for the license to work in Social Services, not us.


    that is a very mean reply. if someone is asking you for help it is for guidance not to do the work for them. i suppose you knew all this when your were in the womb!!!!!!!!!

    This person is taking a social services test to prove they can handle the needs of children in trouble. We see this question and all the other test questions a lot here. They need to read the material they are suppose to be studying and learning. My reply is for the benefit of all the children that this person is suppose to be getting a license to help. We have enough idiots in the system who end up doing more harm than good to the very children they are suppose to be protecting because they did not bother to learn what they were suppose to learn. We get many people taking this course who come here expecting us to answer their assignment questions. I help no one to cheat. Lives depend on them knowing what they are doing. Don't be such a socialist and expect people to help others to cheat.

    When you are in class, do you just sit daydreaming?

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