    how do I kill fruit flys without pestisides, inside my house?

    0  Views: 2132 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

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    We had a fruit fly infestation for several weeks this summer. I read some tips online and then I filled a glass with rotting fruit, red wine vinegar and sugar, covered it with plastic and poked several holes through the plastic with the tip of a sharp knife and toothpick.  Once they made their way thru the holes they could not figure out how to escape.

    I felt sort of sorry for the tiny pests after being trapped for a few days so I put them out of their misery by nuking them in the microwave.


    MURDERER!!!!!!! :)
    country bumpkin

    I'm Queen of the Flees, not Queen of the Fruit Flies. :)

    Remove anything that they will eat..............

    Fill a pint fruit jar with cider vinegar to 1 inch of vinegar at the bottom.

    Make a funnel out of a sheet of paper. The bottom should have a narrow opening that measures about 1/4 inch in diameter then place the narrow end of the funnel into the far first, keep the end of the funnel from touching the vinegar in the jar.

    The fruit flies will fly down through the tunnel to get to the cider vinegar. Once they are there, they become trapped and drown.


    put up some of that spiral shaped sticky fly paper hanging from the ceiling.They will get trapped on it. But, don't let your bird fly around. My g. friend's son let his Cockatiel fly around and the poor thing got stuck on the fly paper.  :-\ 

    Encourage spiders.


    forget it !!
    country bumpkin

    Second answer by Nomdeplume moved to here,

    Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.

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