    You plainly stated I would not have to pay/invest anything.I have laid-off for over 2 yrs. and have been applying for disibility,HOW am I supposed to pay you,after you said I didn't have to pay any thing,can you pay the first $77 for me so I can start making US money?

    0  Views: 127 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Where did you go???A con artist AGAIN!!  I CANNOT understand how LOW people can go when

    times are like they are now. How do they even sleep at night! Hey , Mr.Fawcett -where did you go?Why could you not answer my simple question???AHHH, I would not mind one bit making "honest money"  Have YOU ever had a house foreclosed on,and had to move from your home you lived in for years, and some bank(that the govt. GAVE money to that they were to use to get themself out of "fiancial"distress)????????And you have the nerve to LIE to people who are looking & praying for some fiancial help.It's horrible,you were so convincing.I guess it's from some people who instantly answered your ad and realized the truth..guess you took off in your personal jet to somewhere-and it surely is not over the rainbow..BECAUSE WE all will reap what  we sow.---I wish the post office would throw all bogus mail away--so innocent people don't get hurt and RIPPED off!!!!!


    You have the wrong site. This is akaQA. We are a general question and answer forum. We are not affiliated with this scam business.

    Always remember this, anything that sounds great or too good to be true, is going to be a scam. Never give your money up front. Make them prove themselves first. They have no guilt, they have no shame. Telling them your hardship story is just a waste of time and typing. Learn from this. That's all you can do.

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